How virtual events support business growth

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Matt Francis - Founder at Cloudpresenter
Post by
Matt Francis
Last updated :
February 8, 2024
 | 20 min read

Can a Virtual Event platform really help a business grow?

We all know that planned interactions and meetings are important for all businesses and organisations. Whether this is a staff incentive, a training event, a board meeting, or a quarterly sales conference, many of these ‘events’ – formal and less formal – form the bedrock of an organisation’s culture.  This often sets the tone for communication, collaboration and innovation.  An organisation's chosen virtual platform is a big part of that culture.  There are a number of virtual platforms to choose from and many ways in which they can be used.  

Virtual event platforms: the new digital era

In the last 10 – 15 years technology has moved on at an unbelievably rapid pace. ‘The Four’ – Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple – have changed how we operate in person, online and in life in general, forever.  We have seen a rapid rise in the number of virtual platforms available for both personal and business use.   (The Four – by Scott Calloway – is an excellent read if you’ve not yet read this we urge you to.)

Virtual experiences and digitisation are thoroughly ingrained in our ways of doing things. Almost everyone from school age is familiar with one or more type of virtual platform. But the question is, how can business leaders use virtual experiences to help their businesses grow? Here we take a look at some of the main areas.

How can virtual platforms support business growth?

1. Using a virtual platform can improve internal communications

The digital age has allowed us to connect people and organisations easily, quickly and regardless of geography. A virtual platform will allow staff, in a global or multi-national organisation, to connect and form relationships without having to travel.  How?  Virtual events, webinars, e-learning, virtual experiences, hybrid events and much more.

This may be one to one, or one-to-many, and there are huge possibilities to improve communication, speed up communication and ‘get stuff done’ quickly, and collaboratively. (Does anyone remember the fax machine?! Things really have moved on!)

2. Virtual platforms make organisations agile

The ‘agile’ methodology is well recognised in software development, but is also now a well- considered way of improving project based outcomes and departmental collaboration.

Consider an organisation that requires input from multiple stakeholders and departments to see an idea go from concept to fruition. This process can be complex and longwinded. The capabilities of virtual experiences are now so sophisticated and allow these types of important (and interactive) discussions to take place quickly, and from a range of locations and across time zones.

These technologies can support activities from daily scrums to product development and experience testing which offers organisations real opportunity to get products to market more quickly, beat the competition, and increase sales or profitability.

3. Virtual platforms encourage collaboration

According to Forbes…

One of the biggest challenges of being a leader is communicating effectively with a variety of stakeholders.

Internal communication (or should we say lack of internal communication) can be a big frustration for employees. It can have a negative effect on company culture which has a knock on result of reduced productivity.

Similarly to ‘agile’ working, Virtual Experiences and Virtual Events break down barriers and reduce the need to work in silos. Virtual Events and experiences can dramatically improve the way a business communicates with its workforce in a creative, engaging, and timely fashion.

In summary

Virtual platforms provide a hugely powerful, easy to use and collaborative way of working.  Using a virtual platform that is right for your business can dramatically improving how your workforces operates.

To find out more about the Cloudpresenter virtual platform and its capabilities, or just to have an informal chat with one of our team, get in touch today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a successful virtual event for my business?

Create a successful virtual event for your business by choosing a best webinar platform, incorporating interactive elements like Q&A sessions, and promoting engagement through dynamic content and networking opportunities. Prioritize user-friendly experiences to enhance participant satisfaction.

What is virtual meeting and its benefits?

A virtual meeting is an online interaction between individuals or groups using video conferencing tools. Its benefits include increased accessibility, cost savings on travel, and the ability to connect remotely, fostering collaboration across geographical boundaries.

Which are the best platforms for virtual meetings?

Some popular platforms for virtual meetings include Cloudpresenter, Microsoft Teams, & Google Meet. However, the best platform depends on your specific needs, preferences, and any updates in technology or platform popularity since then.

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virtual events, hybrid events and webinar platform - cloudpresenter
February 8, 2024
How virtual events support business growth
Can a Virtual Events platform really help a business grow?We all know that planned interactions and meetings are important for all businesses and organisations. Whether this is a staff incentive, a training event...
Matt Francis

Table of Contents

Can a Virtual Event platform really help a business grow?

We all know that planned interactions and meetings are important for all businesses and organisations. Whether this is a staff incentive, a training event, a board meeting, or a quarterly sales conference, many of these ‘events’ – formal and less formal – form the bedrock of an organisation’s culture.  This often sets the tone for communication, collaboration and innovation.  An organisation's chosen virtual platform is a big part of that culture.  There are a number of virtual platforms to choose from and many ways in which they can be used.  

Virtual event platforms: the new digital era

In the last 10 – 15 years technology has moved on at an unbelievably rapid pace. ‘The Four’ – Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple – have changed how we operate in person, online and in life in general, forever.  We have seen a rapid rise in the number of virtual platforms available for both personal and business use.   (The Four – by Scott Calloway – is an excellent read if you’ve not yet read this we urge you to.)

Virtual experiences and digitisation are thoroughly ingrained in our ways of doing things. Almost everyone from school age is familiar with one or more type of virtual platform. But the question is, how can business leaders use virtual experiences to help their businesses grow? Here we take a look at some of the main areas.

How can virtual platforms support business growth?

1. Using a virtual platform can improve internal communications

The digital age has allowed us to connect people and organisations easily, quickly and regardless of geography. A virtual platform will allow staff, in a global or multi-national organisation, to connect and form relationships without having to travel.  How?  Virtual events, webinars, e-learning, virtual experiences, hybrid events and much more.

This may be one to one, or one-to-many, and there are huge possibilities to improve communication, speed up communication and ‘get stuff done’ quickly, and collaboratively. (Does anyone remember the fax machine?! Things really have moved on!)

2. Virtual platforms make organisations agile

The ‘agile’ methodology is well recognised in software development, but is also now a well- considered way of improving project based outcomes and departmental collaboration.

Consider an organisation that requires input from multiple stakeholders and departments to see an idea go from concept to fruition. This process can be complex and longwinded. The capabilities of virtual experiences are now so sophisticated and allow these types of important (and interactive) discussions to take place quickly, and from a range of locations and across time zones.

These technologies can support activities from daily scrums to product development and experience testing which offers organisations real opportunity to get products to market more quickly, beat the competition, and increase sales or profitability.

3. Virtual platforms encourage collaboration

According to Forbes…

One of the biggest challenges of being a leader is communicating effectively with a variety of stakeholders.

Internal communication (or should we say lack of internal communication) can be a big frustration for employees. It can have a negative effect on company culture which has a knock on result of reduced productivity.

Similarly to ‘agile’ working, Virtual Experiences and Virtual Events break down barriers and reduce the need to work in silos. Virtual Events and experiences can dramatically improve the way a business communicates with its workforce in a creative, engaging, and timely fashion.

In summary

Virtual platforms provide a hugely powerful, easy to use and collaborative way of working.  Using a virtual platform that is right for your business can dramatically improving how your workforces operates.

To find out more about the Cloudpresenter virtual platform and its capabilities, or just to have an informal chat with one of our team, get in touch today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a successful virtual event for my business?

Create a successful virtual event for your business by choosing a best webinar platform, incorporating interactive elements like Q&A sessions, and promoting engagement through dynamic content and networking opportunities. Prioritize user-friendly experiences to enhance participant satisfaction.

What is virtual meeting and its benefits?

A virtual meeting is an online interaction between individuals or groups using video conferencing tools. Its benefits include increased accessibility, cost savings on travel, and the ability to connect remotely, fostering collaboration across geographical boundaries.

Which are the best platforms for virtual meetings?

Some popular platforms for virtual meetings include Cloudpresenter, Microsoft Teams, & Google Meet. However, the best platform depends on your specific needs, preferences, and any updates in technology or platform popularity since then.

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