Common virtual meeting mistakes to avoid in 2024

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Matt Francis - Founder at Cloudpresenter
Post by
Matt Francis
Last updated :
August 16, 2024
 | 20 min read

Mistakes often happen through complacency, and surprisingly, in todays hybrid workplace, these mistakes when hosting virtual meetings are more common than you might think. These simple mistakes can limit the results or value you'll get out of your virtual business meetings and webinars.

Having seen some of our customers at Cloudpresenter make some of these mistakes, we understand how they become natural barriers to hosting effective virtual meetings. As a potential host, learning to avoid the most common virtual meeting mistakes will put you on the right track towards getting the highest value from your online meetings.

Most importantly, you'll be positioned to engage participants in virtual conversations that will deliver real value to them.

Whether using a webinar platform for internal team engagement, external stakeholder meetings, or marketing purposes, avoiding these common mistakes is essential.

Benefits of hosting virtual meetings & webinars

  • Save time
  • Cost-efficient
  • Up to 55% attendee conversion rate for product marketing
  • Flexibility in scheduling
  • Reduced carbon footprint
  • Enhanced productivity
  • Inclusivity - seamless collaboration across locations
  • Integration of multimedia elements
  • Easy document sharing and collaboration
  • Recording and repurposing - create content for distribution across community channels long after each meeting or webinar has finished

Common virtual meeting mistakes to avoid in 2024

#1: A poor internet connection

Ok, so this is a basic one but don't take it for granted. A poor internet connection in virtual meetings can severely hinder communication and collaboration, and is still surprisingly common.

Firstly, it disrupts the flow of conversation, causing delays, lag, and interruptions, making it difficult for participants to understand each other clearly and even results in misunderstanding or misinterpretation.

Moreover, poor internet connection often leads to pixelated or frozen video, making it challenging to gauge participants' reactions and engagement levels, thereby diminishing the overall effectiveness.

If you are using screen share this requires more bandwidth again, amplifying the problems above.

Unstable internet connections can cause participants from dropping out of the session unexpectedly, disrupting the continuity of discussions and potentially excluding crucial stakeholders from decision-making processes and presentations. Ultimately, reliance on a poor internet connection not only undermines the efficiency and productivity of virtual meetings but also erodes trust and confidence in the reliability of remote collaboration tools, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction among participants.

How to avoid:

• Provide a robust and reliable internet connection.

• Avoid having multiple tabs open on your browser which will use up additional Ram, causing your machine to run slower.

• Quit programs such as Microsoft Teams and other video conferencing apps, that are very power hungry applications which leave little power to run the rest of the apps on your computer.

• Check any VPN, network firewall or security settings deployed on your machine - these can limit bandwidth and in some cases block certain types of traffic.

• Most importantly, test the connection stability with your chosen virtual event platform before hosting a meeting, run 1:1 sessions with guest speakers and a rehearsal session with all speakers, ideally the day before the main event.

• For mission critical speakers check if they have a back-up network, maybe a 5G uplink, in case there is an issue on the day with their local WiFi connection.

#2: Lack of proper preparation

Do your homework! The lack of proper preparation significantly undermines the effectiveness of virtual meetings by impeding clarity, engagement, and productivity.

Adequate preparation involves several key components, including setting clear objectives and agendas, identifying relevant participants, ensuring access to necessary documents or materials, and testing your technology setup in advance. Without clear goals and agendas, meetings can easily veer off-topic, leading to wasted time and frustration among participants. 

Failing to include all necessary stakeholders or provide them with the required information beforehand can result in uninformed decisions or discussions lacking critical perspectives.

Neglecting to check your tech, such as video conferencing software or screen sharing capabilities, increases the likelihood of technical issues during the meeting, disrupting communication flow and detracting from the overall effectiveness of the discussion. 'It worked fine last time' doesn't cut it, it takes a few minutes to test your set-up. Proper preparation is essential for virtual meetings to run smoothly, facilitate meaningful collaboration, and achieve desired outcomes.

Failing to brief your team on the Agenda, including information on simple tasks such as who is moderating questions and chat, can lead to confusion and create an impression with your audience that you are unorganised and unprofessional.

How to avoid:

• Prepare thoroughly before hosting a virtual meeting.

• Create an Agenda, with clear timings for each section, taking into consideration time for Q&A, Polls and other interactive elements.

• Set clear objectives and participation guidelines for the meeting.

• Invite critical stakeholders to ensure there is a consistent, informed and engaging narrative that will drive engagement.

• Brief your team and speakers, including running rehearsals to ensure that there are no surprises on the day.

#3: Absence of interactive engagement

The absence of rapport and interactive engagement in virtual meetings and webinars can significantly impact the results of your event by diminishing participation, learning, collaboration, and discussion among attendees.

Without interactive elements, meetings often become one-sided, with limited opportunities for individuals to contribute ideas, ask questions, or provide feedback, leading to disengagement and passive participation. Incorporating interactive tools fosters engagement and maintains interest throughout the meeting.

Some significant tools to boost interactive collaboration and engaging discussions during an online meeting include real-time polling or surveys to gather feedback and opinions, breakout rooms for small group discussions or brainstorming sessions, interactive whiteboards for visual collaboration and idea generation, and chat functions to encourage continuous communication and questions from participants.

By leveraging these tools effectively, virtual meetings can become more dynamic, inclusive, and productive, resulting in high attendee engagement and providing measurable data insights.

How to avoid:

• Use Q&A, Chat, Polls and whiteboards to engage your team members and meeting participants in interactive discussions.

• Incorporate breakout rooms to create unique learning and networking opportunities for everyone involved.

#4: Ignoring technical equipment testing

Ignoring technical equipment testing before virtual online meetings and webinars can harm the meeting's outcome, leading to disruptions, frustration, and decreased productivity.

Failure to test equipment such as webcams, microphones, speakers, and internet connectivity can result in various issues during the meeting, including poor audio or video quality, lagging or freezing video feeds, and dropped connections.

These technical glitches disrupt communication flow and hinder participants' engagement and collaboration.

Additionally, overlooking screen-sharing software or presentation tool testing may lead to delays or difficulties in sharing important documents or visuals, impacting the effectiveness of presentations, discussions and decision-making processes. Simply by neglecting to test technical equipment beforehand, virtual meetings risk experiencing significant disruptions, diminishing the overall quality and outcome of the session.

How to avoid:

• Don't leave anything to chance and steop through every meeting or webinar ahead of the event, this will highlight any gaps and potential pitfalls.

• Make time to test every piece of equipment or software needed to run successful virtual meetings.

• Engage your co-hosts or other relevant stakeholders in the testing process. As mentioned above, conduct 1:1 and group rehearsal sessions for larger webinars.

• Anticipate problems and create a backup plan if something goes wrong - not everything is in your control. For example, if your lead speaker has a complete network failure, can someone else take over and carry on?

#5: Disregarding virtual meeting etiquette

Virtual meeting etiquette encompasses the guidelines and norms for polite and respectful behaviour during online meetings and webinars, including punctuality, appropriate attire, active listening, and minimizing distractions.

Unfortunately, ignoring virtual meeting etiquette during online business meetings and webinars can lead to various adverse effects, including decreased productivity, impaired communication, strained professional relationships and damage to your brand.

For instance, interrupting others, multitasking, or engaging in unrelated activities can disrupt the flow of conversation and hinder effective collaboration. Additionally, failing to mute your mic when not speaking or using inappropriate language can create distractions and undermine the overall professionalism of the session.

Moreover, disregarding basic etiquette practices such as respecting speakers or following the meeting agenda can result in frustration and disengagement among participants, ultimately diminishing the meeting's effectiveness and potentially damaging your brand.

How to avoid:

• Use a virtual meeting checklist and keep referencing this before hosting your next virtual meeting.

• Ensure you share the checklist with every attendee, co-host, or guest speaker before the meeting.

#6: Not discussing the meeting agenda

Collaboration with team members when setting the online meeting or webinar agenda is crucial for ensuring alignment, inclusivity, and buy-in, ultimately leading to more productive and effective sessions.

Setting a virtual meeting agenda alone can negatively affect the outcome of virtual meetings due to the potential lack of input and singular perspective, buy-in, and alignment from team members.

Without collaborative input, the agenda may not adequately address all participants' diverse needs, priorities, and perspectives, resulting in narrow-focussed discussions or discussions that are irrelevant to some attendees.

Moreover, unilateral agenda setting can lead to a lack of ownership and engagement among team members, as they may feel disconnected from the meeting's objectives or unprepared to contribute effectively. 

This can result in reduced participation, decreased motivation, and limited creativity during the meeting, ultimately undermining the potential for meaningful collaboration and audience engagement. Additionally, critical topics or issues may be overlooked without input from key stakeholders, leading to missed opportunities or incomplete resolutions. Therefore, involving team members in agenda-setting is essential for fostering a sense of ownership, ensuring inclusivity, and maximizing the effectiveness of virtual meetings and webinars.

How to avoid:

• Engage key stakeholders and team members when setting the agenda for your online meetings.

• Emphasise progressive collaboration during and after the session.

#7: Allowing distractions

Some people allow distractions during online meetings by multitasking, checking emails or social media, engaging in side conversations or simply losing focus on the meeting content. Unfortunately, such distractions can limit the effectiveness of your virtual meetings.

Distractions during online meetings can significantly detract from the meeting's effectiveness by disrupting concentration, diminishing engagement, and reducing participant productivity.

When attendees succumb to distractions such as checking emails, browsing social media, or attending to unrelated tasks, their attention becomes divided, making it challenging to participate in discussions or absorb important information.

As a result, key points may be missed, leading to misunderstandings, incomplete decision-making and lack of engagement. Moreover, distractions can create a domino effect, spreading from one participant to another and eroding the overall focus and energy of the meeting. Additionally, distractions can convey a lack of respect or commitment to the meeting's objectives, reducing the value of the message and losing trust among participants.

Ultimately, allowing distractions during online meetings not only impedes the achievement of desired outcomes but also reflects negatively on individual professionalism, brand and the overall effectiveness of your session.

How to avoid:

• Make a list of common distractions and inform all meeting attendees that such distractions are not allowed.

• As part of your preparations provide guidance on how to avoid these distractions - for example, close email software, put your phone on mute and ensure that anyone joining the session to speak is in a tidy, quiet and distraction free space.

• Address any concerns during your tech checks and share the list as a document positioned to enhance the session and help everyone involved.


The power virtual meetings brings to your business or organisation provides opportunity for increased productivity and efficiency, as well as huge business growth through webinars. While this post may not be exhaustive of all virtual meeting mistakes, following the above tips to avoid them will certainly put you on the best path towards achieving your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you run an effective virtual meeting?

To run an effective virtual meeting:

  1. Start by setting a clear agenda with specific objectives.
  2. Use interactive tools and engagement strategies to keep participants involved throughout the meeting.
  3. Ensure smooth communication by testing technical equipment beforehand and establishing ground rules for participation and etiquette.

How do you encourage participation in virtual meetings?

Encourage participation in virtual meetings by actively soliciting input from all attendees, utilizing interactive tools like polls or breakout sessions, and creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable contributing. Offer opportunities for attendees to share their thoughts, ask questions, and provide feedback throughout the meeting to foster engagement and collaboration.

What are the benefits of virtual meeting platforms with breakout rooms?

Virtual meeting platforms with breakout rooms facilitate smaller group discussions, promote collaboration among team members, and enhance engagement by allowing participants to interact more intimately. These breakout rooms enable focused discussions on specific topics or tasks, encouraging deeper exploration and brainstorming among participants.

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August 16, 2024
Common virtual meeting mistakes to avoid in 2024
Learn how to avoid common mistakes that ruin virtual meetings and webinars. Get practical tips to host engaging virtual meetings that keep participants connected, productive and engaged.
Matt Francis

Table of Contents

Mistakes often happen through complacency, and surprisingly, in todays hybrid workplace, these mistakes when hosting virtual meetings are more common than you might think. These simple mistakes can limit the results or value you'll get out of your virtual business meetings and webinars.

Having seen some of our customers at Cloudpresenter make some of these mistakes, we understand how they become natural barriers to hosting effective virtual meetings. As a potential host, learning to avoid the most common virtual meeting mistakes will put you on the right track towards getting the highest value from your online meetings.

Most importantly, you'll be positioned to engage participants in virtual conversations that will deliver real value to them.

Whether using a webinar platform for internal team engagement, external stakeholder meetings, or marketing purposes, avoiding these common mistakes is essential.

Benefits of hosting virtual meetings & webinars

  • Save time
  • Cost-efficient
  • Up to 55% attendee conversion rate for product marketing
  • Flexibility in scheduling
  • Reduced carbon footprint
  • Enhanced productivity
  • Inclusivity - seamless collaboration across locations
  • Integration of multimedia elements
  • Easy document sharing and collaboration
  • Recording and repurposing - create content for distribution across community channels long after each meeting or webinar has finished

Common virtual meeting mistakes to avoid in 2024

#1: A poor internet connection

Ok, so this is a basic one but don't take it for granted. A poor internet connection in virtual meetings can severely hinder communication and collaboration, and is still surprisingly common.

Firstly, it disrupts the flow of conversation, causing delays, lag, and interruptions, making it difficult for participants to understand each other clearly and even results in misunderstanding or misinterpretation.

Moreover, poor internet connection often leads to pixelated or frozen video, making it challenging to gauge participants' reactions and engagement levels, thereby diminishing the overall effectiveness.

If you are using screen share this requires more bandwidth again, amplifying the problems above.

Unstable internet connections can cause participants from dropping out of the session unexpectedly, disrupting the continuity of discussions and potentially excluding crucial stakeholders from decision-making processes and presentations. Ultimately, reliance on a poor internet connection not only undermines the efficiency and productivity of virtual meetings but also erodes trust and confidence in the reliability of remote collaboration tools, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction among participants.

How to avoid:

• Provide a robust and reliable internet connection.

• Avoid having multiple tabs open on your browser which will use up additional Ram, causing your machine to run slower.

• Quit programs such as Microsoft Teams and other video conferencing apps, that are very power hungry applications which leave little power to run the rest of the apps on your computer.

• Check any VPN, network firewall or security settings deployed on your machine - these can limit bandwidth and in some cases block certain types of traffic.

• Most importantly, test the connection stability with your chosen virtual event platform before hosting a meeting, run 1:1 sessions with guest speakers and a rehearsal session with all speakers, ideally the day before the main event.

• For mission critical speakers check if they have a back-up network, maybe a 5G uplink, in case there is an issue on the day with their local WiFi connection.

#2: Lack of proper preparation

Do your homework! The lack of proper preparation significantly undermines the effectiveness of virtual meetings by impeding clarity, engagement, and productivity.

Adequate preparation involves several key components, including setting clear objectives and agendas, identifying relevant participants, ensuring access to necessary documents or materials, and testing your technology setup in advance. Without clear goals and agendas, meetings can easily veer off-topic, leading to wasted time and frustration among participants. 

Failing to include all necessary stakeholders or provide them with the required information beforehand can result in uninformed decisions or discussions lacking critical perspectives.

Neglecting to check your tech, such as video conferencing software or screen sharing capabilities, increases the likelihood of technical issues during the meeting, disrupting communication flow and detracting from the overall effectiveness of the discussion. 'It worked fine last time' doesn't cut it, it takes a few minutes to test your set-up. Proper preparation is essential for virtual meetings to run smoothly, facilitate meaningful collaboration, and achieve desired outcomes.

Failing to brief your team on the Agenda, including information on simple tasks such as who is moderating questions and chat, can lead to confusion and create an impression with your audience that you are unorganised and unprofessional.

How to avoid:

• Prepare thoroughly before hosting a virtual meeting.

• Create an Agenda, with clear timings for each section, taking into consideration time for Q&A, Polls and other interactive elements.

• Set clear objectives and participation guidelines for the meeting.

• Invite critical stakeholders to ensure there is a consistent, informed and engaging narrative that will drive engagement.

• Brief your team and speakers, including running rehearsals to ensure that there are no surprises on the day.

#3: Absence of interactive engagement

The absence of rapport and interactive engagement in virtual meetings and webinars can significantly impact the results of your event by diminishing participation, learning, collaboration, and discussion among attendees.

Without interactive elements, meetings often become one-sided, with limited opportunities for individuals to contribute ideas, ask questions, or provide feedback, leading to disengagement and passive participation. Incorporating interactive tools fosters engagement and maintains interest throughout the meeting.

Some significant tools to boost interactive collaboration and engaging discussions during an online meeting include real-time polling or surveys to gather feedback and opinions, breakout rooms for small group discussions or brainstorming sessions, interactive whiteboards for visual collaboration and idea generation, and chat functions to encourage continuous communication and questions from participants.

By leveraging these tools effectively, virtual meetings can become more dynamic, inclusive, and productive, resulting in high attendee engagement and providing measurable data insights.

How to avoid:

• Use Q&A, Chat, Polls and whiteboards to engage your team members and meeting participants in interactive discussions.

• Incorporate breakout rooms to create unique learning and networking opportunities for everyone involved.

#4: Ignoring technical equipment testing

Ignoring technical equipment testing before virtual online meetings and webinars can harm the meeting's outcome, leading to disruptions, frustration, and decreased productivity.

Failure to test equipment such as webcams, microphones, speakers, and internet connectivity can result in various issues during the meeting, including poor audio or video quality, lagging or freezing video feeds, and dropped connections.

These technical glitches disrupt communication flow and hinder participants' engagement and collaboration.

Additionally, overlooking screen-sharing software or presentation tool testing may lead to delays or difficulties in sharing important documents or visuals, impacting the effectiveness of presentations, discussions and decision-making processes. Simply by neglecting to test technical equipment beforehand, virtual meetings risk experiencing significant disruptions, diminishing the overall quality and outcome of the session.

How to avoid:

• Don't leave anything to chance and steop through every meeting or webinar ahead of the event, this will highlight any gaps and potential pitfalls.

• Make time to test every piece of equipment or software needed to run successful virtual meetings.

• Engage your co-hosts or other relevant stakeholders in the testing process. As mentioned above, conduct 1:1 and group rehearsal sessions for larger webinars.

• Anticipate problems and create a backup plan if something goes wrong - not everything is in your control. For example, if your lead speaker has a complete network failure, can someone else take over and carry on?

#5: Disregarding virtual meeting etiquette

Virtual meeting etiquette encompasses the guidelines and norms for polite and respectful behaviour during online meetings and webinars, including punctuality, appropriate attire, active listening, and minimizing distractions.

Unfortunately, ignoring virtual meeting etiquette during online business meetings and webinars can lead to various adverse effects, including decreased productivity, impaired communication, strained professional relationships and damage to your brand.

For instance, interrupting others, multitasking, or engaging in unrelated activities can disrupt the flow of conversation and hinder effective collaboration. Additionally, failing to mute your mic when not speaking or using inappropriate language can create distractions and undermine the overall professionalism of the session.

Moreover, disregarding basic etiquette practices such as respecting speakers or following the meeting agenda can result in frustration and disengagement among participants, ultimately diminishing the meeting's effectiveness and potentially damaging your brand.

How to avoid:

• Use a virtual meeting checklist and keep referencing this before hosting your next virtual meeting.

• Ensure you share the checklist with every attendee, co-host, or guest speaker before the meeting.

#6: Not discussing the meeting agenda

Collaboration with team members when setting the online meeting or webinar agenda is crucial for ensuring alignment, inclusivity, and buy-in, ultimately leading to more productive and effective sessions.

Setting a virtual meeting agenda alone can negatively affect the outcome of virtual meetings due to the potential lack of input and singular perspective, buy-in, and alignment from team members.

Without collaborative input, the agenda may not adequately address all participants' diverse needs, priorities, and perspectives, resulting in narrow-focussed discussions or discussions that are irrelevant to some attendees.

Moreover, unilateral agenda setting can lead to a lack of ownership and engagement among team members, as they may feel disconnected from the meeting's objectives or unprepared to contribute effectively. 

This can result in reduced participation, decreased motivation, and limited creativity during the meeting, ultimately undermining the potential for meaningful collaboration and audience engagement. Additionally, critical topics or issues may be overlooked without input from key stakeholders, leading to missed opportunities or incomplete resolutions. Therefore, involving team members in agenda-setting is essential for fostering a sense of ownership, ensuring inclusivity, and maximizing the effectiveness of virtual meetings and webinars.

How to avoid:

• Engage key stakeholders and team members when setting the agenda for your online meetings.

• Emphasise progressive collaboration during and after the session.

#7: Allowing distractions

Some people allow distractions during online meetings by multitasking, checking emails or social media, engaging in side conversations or simply losing focus on the meeting content. Unfortunately, such distractions can limit the effectiveness of your virtual meetings.

Distractions during online meetings can significantly detract from the meeting's effectiveness by disrupting concentration, diminishing engagement, and reducing participant productivity.

When attendees succumb to distractions such as checking emails, browsing social media, or attending to unrelated tasks, their attention becomes divided, making it challenging to participate in discussions or absorb important information.

As a result, key points may be missed, leading to misunderstandings, incomplete decision-making and lack of engagement. Moreover, distractions can create a domino effect, spreading from one participant to another and eroding the overall focus and energy of the meeting. Additionally, distractions can convey a lack of respect or commitment to the meeting's objectives, reducing the value of the message and losing trust among participants.

Ultimately, allowing distractions during online meetings not only impedes the achievement of desired outcomes but also reflects negatively on individual professionalism, brand and the overall effectiveness of your session.

How to avoid:

• Make a list of common distractions and inform all meeting attendees that such distractions are not allowed.

• As part of your preparations provide guidance on how to avoid these distractions - for example, close email software, put your phone on mute and ensure that anyone joining the session to speak is in a tidy, quiet and distraction free space.

• Address any concerns during your tech checks and share the list as a document positioned to enhance the session and help everyone involved.


The power virtual meetings brings to your business or organisation provides opportunity for increased productivity and efficiency, as well as huge business growth through webinars. While this post may not be exhaustive of all virtual meeting mistakes, following the above tips to avoid them will certainly put you on the best path towards achieving your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you run an effective virtual meeting?

To run an effective virtual meeting:

  1. Start by setting a clear agenda with specific objectives.
  2. Use interactive tools and engagement strategies to keep participants involved throughout the meeting.
  3. Ensure smooth communication by testing technical equipment beforehand and establishing ground rules for participation and etiquette.

How do you encourage participation in virtual meetings?

Encourage participation in virtual meetings by actively soliciting input from all attendees, utilizing interactive tools like polls or breakout sessions, and creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable contributing. Offer opportunities for attendees to share their thoughts, ask questions, and provide feedback throughout the meeting to foster engagement and collaboration.

What are the benefits of virtual meeting platforms with breakout rooms?

Virtual meeting platforms with breakout rooms facilitate smaller group discussions, promote collaboration among team members, and enhance engagement by allowing participants to interact more intimately. These breakout rooms enable focused discussions on specific topics or tasks, encouraging deeper exploration and brainstorming among participants.

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