8 Best webinar platforms for marketers in 2024

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Matt Francis - Founder at Cloudpresenter
Post by
Matt Francis
Last updated :
February 7, 2024
 | 20 min read

How much does webinar software cost? For some people, affordability is usually the number one priority.

But price is rarely the only factor influencing potential buyer intent to compare the best webinar platforms for marketers.

Besides the similarities, a piece of software that seems suitable for one company might not deliver satisfactory value to another company in a different context. Moreover, the needs and intended use cases among marketers interested in hosting webinars are hardly the same. Hence, it's challenging to pick one and call it the best webinar platform.

As some people say many times, one size never fits all. In addition to highlighting the popular options proven to work well for people like you, this webinar software buying guide will give you tips on comparing them and choosing what's best for your company or team.

How to compare the best webinar platforms

When you understand the differences and similarities between them, it will become easier to think through the best webinar software comparison in a practical way. As noted earlier, getting the best software, in this case, goes beyond the price.

Even when the pricing plans are similar among the two providers, you'll still find some differences regarding the core features and usage limit allowed in each plan. Below are the essential pointers on how to choose a webinar software.

Clarify your webinar goal

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

By making your webinar goals clear, specific, and measurable, you'll get closer to achieving them one step at a time. And that's the first thing you should do when choosing the webinar software.

First, consider the intended use cases and the specific goals you want to achieve. Instead of merely thinking about them, find a suitable space to write down your goal. If you want to use the software specifically for marketing, here are some benefits to help you think through your goals.

The benefits of webinars in marketing.

  • Webinar is an excellent alternative to offline meetings and conferences
  • Use educational content to build brand awareness
  • Generate high-quality leads for immediate sales
  • Build an email list of future customers
  • Nurture and convert existing leads in your pipeline
  • Identify common buyer objections in real time
  • Tap into other brand's existing audience

Scalability and audience size

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

The first thing here is to consider your expected or existing audience size when choosing a webinar hosting platform. If you don't consider it enough, your chosen platform may not be technically stable sufficient to support seamless webinar performance. In other words, you need to think beyond a free plan.

The other way to look at it is scalability. Depending on your long-term webinar marketing goal, you should also consider scalability with regard to expected growth in audience size. But that doesn't mean you should sign up and pay for technical webinar hosting capacity that your company won't use anytime soon.

Depending on the audience size, you may choose a webinar platform that supports up to 5,000 attendees at a time. One webinar software example, in this case, is CloudPresenter.

Compare webinar benefits vs. cost

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

Perhaps, you are not working in a marketing role for a non-profit organization. That's why you should also consider the best webinar software comparison from the cost vs. benefits angle.

Whenever someone asks, how do I choose a webinar software? This benefits vs. cost comparison framework is a practical way to think about the answer.

Here are other questions that could help you make the best purchase decision.

  • How much is your budget for the webinar software?
  • Do you want to pay monthly or annually?
  • What are the potential (monetary) benefits relative to the cost?
  • Will the benefits cover the cost over a specified period?
  • How will you measure the benefits?

Team member access

Regarding the best webinar platform comparison, one of the core differences is the number of team members or users allowed in each pricing plan. Because relatively large corporations are finding great value in hosting live webinars, user seats often differ from one context to the other. And that's why you should consider this factor before settling for one platform over the other.

When setting your goals and trying to choose a video conferencing platform, note down the number of team members using it to create webinar sessions.

With some of the best webinar tools in the market, you'll find affordable options supporting 2 – 20 users simultaneously. Sometimes customized enterprise access makes that possible when it's not described clearly on a pricing page.

Webinar analytics and audience engagement features

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

Audience engagement is one of the core live webinar features that will impact your success, especially when you want to deliver online training sessions. In this case, engagement level will determine how your live attendees will respond to your call to action at the end of the online event.

Regarding the chosen topic and audience engagement features, if the presentation of your live streaming, on-demand, or evergreen webinars is boring, most attendees will not stay till the end. Some of the core features to consider in this case include the following –

  • Screen sharing
  • Audience polls
  • Live chat
  • Breakout rooms
  • Annotation whiteboard
  • Downloadable handouts
  • Clickable call to action (CTA)

Regardless of your goals, using webinar features for analytics is one of the best ways to measure success.

That's why you should check a webinar software platform's capabilities for integrating into other marketing tools that will give you valuable insights.

Check for email marketing automation

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

Before and after the presentation, one of the best marketing tools you can use to get more value from your online events is email. After registering for future virtual events, an automated email reminder is among the webinar features that will help you increase your attendance rate.

So, when comparing the best webinar software platforms, don't forget how automated email messaging works in each platform that interests you. If using it requires navigating technical complexities, you may want to pass and look into others.

Integration with other relevant platforms

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

Assuming this is your first time, you might wonder why I should consider integrating with other platforms when looking for the best webinar software.

The key benefit is that it will help you eliminate manual work that may be involved in data sharing while saving a significant amount of time. For example, integrating with a sales CRM will enable your team members to engage with prospective customers before and after the live webinar.

Depending on your webinar promotion strategy, integration with landing page builders, online advertising, and data analytics platforms could give you insights for improving conversion rates.

Interestingly, the best webinar tools will enable you to integrate with even more platforms around tasks related to team collaboration, messaging, live chat, live streaming, email, and other marketing tools.

These and other integration options will help you invite attendees to your live webinar and online meetings.

When native integrations are unavailable on a specific platform, you can use webhooks and API to get the software working the way you want.

Test the webinar software

Before you begin to host virtual events with a webinar tool, the best way to find the most suitable option among the top-rated brands is to sign up for a free trial and test everything.

Besides reading customer reviews and buyer guides like this, signing up for a free trial to host online meetings will give you a real experience of how the system works. However, checking the availability of the main features you want in a free plan is important. For example, if automated webinars are one of your top priorities, check if the features are available in the freemium or free trial plan.

When you want to host webinars and the features most important to you are not available in a free trial plan, consider scheduling a demo with the sales rep of one or two providers.

Even though they might not get into hosting webinars on the spot, they'll demonstrate the premium webinar features you want or use recorded videos to show you how It works.

These are the two best ways to experience better how the best webinar software platforms work instead of relying entirely on written customer reviews.

Webinar platform service provider support

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

The availability of customer support is another important factor to consider when comparing the best webinar platforms for marketers.

Even though the providers of live webinar software platforms will promise you great support on every sales page or point of contact, it is hardly available in every pricing plan. Perhaps, most companies selling access to a video conferencing platform will give you email support, but what happens when you need serious technical help before the day of your event?

That's where live chat and phone support comes into play. And that's one area where you'll find some differences among the providers of on-demand webinar tools. Observing the exact webinar software pricing plan with premium, live support is the main thing.

When large marketing teams hosting webinars need support during or before an event, and it's not available, it could leave a wrong impression on the live attendees.

Before you being t invite attendees to your webinar page, make sure that support is available in case you need it at the last minute.

Best webinar platform reviews and comparison

Now that you know how to compare webinar software platforms for marketers, let's look at the top-rated brands in the market. If you have ever attended a few online meetings or video conferencing events, there is a chance you have experienced how each of these platforms works in real time.

We've selected most of the brands here based on positive customer reviews, high star ratings, robust technology, advanced analytics, and great features for hosting interactive features.

#1: Cloudpresenter

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

Though it doesn't have wide brand popularity in the market, CloudPresenter is one of the best platforms for hosting virtual online meetings, live webinars, hybrid webinars, and dynamic online presentations.

The main interesting thing about this webinar software is that it supports many live attendees, and your marketing teams can host concurrent events using one account. If you are looking for a webinar tool with unlimited team member addition, CloudPresenter might be the best option suitable for your current needs.

As a testament to the platform's robust technology stability, many marketing teams working in healthcare, human resources, education, and corporate consulting services have been using it for a long time.

The most common use cases include product demos, employee onboarding, internal communications, product launches, online courses, online meetings, recruitment, and employee training sessions.

The registration page feature offers more than what you'll get from free webinar software.

Among all other webinar software we have seen, this one has recorded a high number of positive customer reviews across software discovery platforms like G2, Capterra, and GetApp.

Cloudpresenter features

You can only experience the benefits of webinar marketing based on what it will enable you and your team to accomplish. Here are some of the cool features to help with that.

  • Live webinar streaming
  • Engagement breakout rooms
  • Virtual backgrounds
  • Recurring evergreen webinars
  • It supports multiple hosts at a time
  • Team wide accounts
  • Multiple language support
  • Engage 2 – 5,000 attendees
  • Full HD cloud recording
  • Customizable colours and branding
  • Live chat support

Cloudpresenter pricing

Comparatively, CloudPresenter's price seems more affordable than many other competitors in the market. The platform offers freemium, $10, and $12 plans that will give you access to the premium features and standby support to help you host webinars.

#2: GoToMeeting

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

In today's marketing landscape, virtual events have become essential for marketers to engage with their audience, generate leads, and foster brand awareness. GoToMeeting, a popular webinar software, has emerged as a top choice for hosting on-demand webinars, business meetings, and other virtual events.

With its impressive features and user-friendly interface, GoToMeeting caters to marketers' needs and empowers them to create impactful virtual experiences.

In this review, we will delve into the core use cases of GoToMeeting and explore how it serves marketers.

Right from the start, GoToMeeting stands out with its sleek and intuitive interface. The platform's user-friendly design allows marketers to set up and launch virtual events effortlessly. From creating registration pages to managing attendee lists, GoToMeeting streamlines the process, enabling marketers to focus on content creation and engagement strategies instead of grappling with complex technicalities.

One of the standout features of GoToMeeting is its ability to host on-demand webinars. Marketers can pre-record presentations, product demos, and training sessions and make them available for viewing anytime.

This flexibility ensures a broader reach and caters to the diverse schedules of attendees across different time zones. By offering on-demand webinars, marketers can continue to generate leads and engage with audiences long after the live event has ended.

GoToMeeting's core functionality as a video conferencing platform sets it apart from traditional webinar software.

Marketers can conduct real-time meetings with clients, prospects, and team members effortlessly, fostering collaboration and enhancing communication. The high-definition video and crystal-clear audio quality provide a seamless virtual meeting experience, making it an ideal choice for essential sales pitches.

Engagement is crucial in virtual events, and GoToMeeting offers many interactive features to keep participants actively involved. From real-time chat and Q&A sessions to live polls and surveys, marketers can gauge audience feedback and adapt their content accordingly.

This two-way communication ensures virtual events feel more personalized and valuable, ultimately driving higher attendee satisfaction and conversion rates.

To make informed marketing decisions, data-driven insights are essential. The evergreen webinar platform provides marketers with comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, giving them access to valuable data on attendee behaviour, session attendance, and engagement levels. Armed with these metrics, marketers can measure the success of their virtual events, identify areas for improvement, and refine their strategies to optimize future sessions.

The platform's seamless integration capabilities with popular marketing automation tools further enhance its value to marketers.

Marketers can sync attendee data and automate follow-up workflows by integrating with platforms such as HubSpot, Salesforce, and Marketo. This integration streamlines lead nurturing, allowing marketers to maintain engagement with prospects long after the virtual event, nurturing them through the sales funnel effectively.

When it comes to virtual events, technical glitches can be detrimental to the success of a marketing campaign. GoToMeeting boasts a reputation for reliability, ensuring stable connections, and minimizing disruptions during webinar sessions.

Additionally, the platform prioritizes security, offering robust encryption and authentication protocols to protect sensitive data and maintain the privacy of attendees.

GoToMeeting features

  • HD video and clear audio
  • Screen sharing
  • Drawing tools
  • In-session chat
  • Breakout rooms
  • Background noise suppression
  • Conference calling
  • Supports up to 250 attendees
  • Session recording and transcription
  • No meeting time limit
  • Unlimited cloud recording

GoToMeeting pricing

Unlike some other competitors, GoToMeeting doesn't offer a freemium plan. So, if you ask the question, is GoTo Meeting free? You should get that out of your mind. However, you can sign up for a 14 free trial to see how you can host webinars with it.

The premium GoTo Meeting pricing plans are $12 and $16, respectively. Please note that the platform has annual billing only. If you need a plan to host more than 250 attendees, you must contact the sales team.

#3: EverWebinar

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

EverWebinar, a leading webinar software, is designed to host automated webinars. With its robust features and advanced automation capabilities, EverWebinar caters to advanced marketers seeking to scale their reach and maximize their impact.

At the heart of EverWebinar is its ability to host automated webinars, which allows marketers to automate the entire presentation process.

This feature is essential for busy marketers who can now conduct webinars around the clock without physically being present. Marketers can engage with audiences in different time zones by pre-recording and scheduling presentations at specific intervals.

The platform goes beyond simple pre-recorded playback by offering a true-to-life simulated experience. It creates the illusion of a live webinar with interactive elements like polls, chats, and offers.

This level of engagement keeps attendees invested and unaware that the event is automated. Interestingly, you can use this feature to maintain the interactivity and authenticity of a live session, fostering a deeper connection with the audience and driving higher conversion rates.

Many people understand the importance of reaching a broader audience. EverWebinar's dynamic scheduling and repetition features are essential in this regard. The software allows marketers to set up webinars at specific intervals throughout the day or week. This setup ensures that potential attendees across different time zones can get value from your presentation at their convenience. By leveraging the power of repetition, webinar hosts can maximize their exposure and consistently attract new leads to their automated events.

EverWebinar integrates with popular marketing tools, including email marketing platforms and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

This integration enables users to automate follow-up emails, nurture leads, and trigger personalized campaigns based on attendees' behavior during the webinar. By automating these processes, you can begin to convert leads into customers and deepen while driving higher sales and revenue growth.

Data-driven decision-making is crucial in any marketing strategy, and EverWebinar provides comprehensive webinar analytics and tracking tools to facilitate this. Webinar marketers can access detailed insights into attendee behavior, engagement levels, and conversion rates.

With this data, you'll be able to identify areas for improvement, optimize their automated webinars for better results, and refine their marketing strategies to achieve higher success rates.

For many marketers, reliable and scalable infrastructure is paramount. EverWebinar boasts a robust and secure platform that can handle large attendee volumes without compromising performance. The software's stable connectivity ensures a smooth viewing experience for attendees, minimizing technical disruptions and maximizing the webinar's impact.

From video tutorials to live webinars and a responsive support team, the software offers comprehensive assistance to onboard users and troubleshoot any issues they may encounter.

This level of support empowers marketers to focus on their webinar content and marketing strategy, confident that technical assistance is readily available when needed.

Everwebinar features

  • Flexible scheduling system
  • Exceptional automation capabilities
  • Interactive live chat
  • Question and answer sessions
  • Attendee surveys and polls
  • Live chat simulator
  • Automated webinar hosting
  • Easy-to-use landing page builder
  • Registration page split testing
  • Clickable offer links
  • SMS and email automation
  • Insightful webinar analytics

Everwebinar pricing

This platform has just about two pricing plans without any free trials. You can access it by paying $499 per year or $874 for two years. This software is probably not the best for people who may not have that much to spend at once.

#4: WebinarJam

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

Regardless of the industry in which you work, webinars have become an essential medium for marketers to connect with their audiences, share valuable content, and generate leads.

When it comes to hosting evergreen webinars, WebinarJam stands out as a powerful and user-friendly software that caters to the needs of marketers seeking to automate their webinar marketing processes.

WebinarJam's greatest strength lies in its ability to handle evergreen webinars. Marketers can pre-record their presentations, demos, or training sessions and set them up to be played as live events. This automation feature allows them to reach a global audience anytime, creating a sense of urgency without worrying about scheduling conflicts.

By providing an engaging and interactive experience, WebinarJam ensures that attendees remain captivated throughout the presentation, resulting in higher conversion rates and increased sales opportunities.

Navigating the webinar setup process can be daunting, but WebinarJam's intuitive and user-friendly interface simplifies the process. With just a few clicks, marketers can create their evergreen webinar, customize the registration page, and set up email reminders to maximize attendance. The platform also offers a comprehensive analytics dashboard that provides valuable insights into attendee engagement and other key metrics, enabling marketers to fine-tune their presentations for better results.

A successful webinar relies heavily on attendee engagement, and this webinar platform excels in providing a suite of interactive tools to keep participants actively involved.

From polls and surveys to live chat and Q&A sessions, attendees can actively participate and provide feedback, making the evergreen webinar experience feel more like a live event.

This level of interactivity enhances the overall user experience and allows marketers to gather valuable insights and better understand their audience's needs.

Among other interesting features, the platform has a robust infrastructure that ensures smooth and reliable webinar broadcasts, even with many attendees. The platform's scalability allows marketers to cater to audiences of any size without compromising the webinar's quality. Moreover, the webinar platform offers compatibility with various devices and browsers, ensuring attendees can access the webinar from anywhere, further expanding the reach of online events.

WebinarJam facilitates automated email and SMS communication with attendees to ensure maximum attendance and engagement.

You can schedule reminder emails and follow-up messages to keep the audience informed about upcoming webinars or provide additional resources after the event. This personalized touch helps build a stronger connection with the audience and increases the chances of converting leads into customers.

WebinarJam seamlessly integrates with popular marketing tools and CRMs, streamlining lead management and nurturing processes. This integration will enable you to synchronize attendee data, follow up with prospects efficiently, and measure the webinar's impact on overall marketing efforts.

With all the necessary data in one place, you can begin to make better decisions and optimize your marketing strategies effectively.

The software provider provides excellent customer support through various channels, including live chat, email, and extensive knowledge base resources. Users can find answers to their queries promptly, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted webinar hosting.

Additionally, the platform offers video tutorials and training sessions to help marketers make the most of the software's features and enhance their webinar performance.

Webinarjam features

  • It allows up to 6 presenters
  • Reach 5000 attendees
  • Live screen sharing
  • Live chat and Q/A
  • Audience engagement polls and surveys
  • Sticky announcements
  • Automated recording
  • Breakout sessions
  • Virtual stage invitation
  • Availability on Android and iOS app stores
  • Webinar page split testing
  • Downloadable handouts
  • Drawing whiteboard and mindmaps
  • Seamless video injection

Webinarjam pricing

One thing that makes this one different from the best webinar software platforms is the number of pricing plans available for new customers. Webinarjam pricing comes in four other options. You can pay $39, $79, $229, or $379 monthly. In between these plans, you'll find some variations regarding the advanced features. Please note that you have to pay an annual fee to gain access.

#5: Demio

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

Among the many webinar software options available, Demio stands out as a top-notch platform that caters to marketers seeking to accomplish specific marketing goals through their webinars.

Growing brand awareness is a fundamental marketing goal, and Demio provides marketers with an ideal platform to reach a broader audience and establish their brand's identity. With the webinar platform's user-friendly interface and seamless event creation process, marketers can quickly set up webinars that showcase their brand, products, and expertise.

The platform's customizable registration pages and branded webinar rooms ensure a consistent brand experience for attendees, leaving a lasting impression. For example, a company planning to launch a new product can host a series of webinars, educating potential customers about the offering while building brand recognition.

Demio's lead generation capabilities empower marketers to capture valuable leads during webinars.

The webinar platform offers various lead capture tools, such as customizable registration forms and automated follow-up emails, ensuring that marketers can easily collect contact information from attendees. Moreover, Demio's webinar platform integrations with popular email marketing and CRM platforms allow seamless data transfer, streamlining lead management.

For instance, a software company can host a webinar highlighting the benefits of its solution and use Demio's lead capture tools to gather contact details of interested prospects.

Once leads are collected, nurturing them is vital to guide them through the sales funnel. Demio supports this process by providing automated email sequences, enabling marketers to engage with their leads post-webinar.

By sending relevant content and personalized messages, marketers can keep their leads informed, build trust, and eliminate buyer objects, leading to a higher likelihood of conversion. For example, an e-commerce retailer can host a webinar discussing the latest fashion trends and send follow-up emails with curated product recommendations.

Everyone knows that driving conversions is a crucial aspect of marketing, and Demio equips marketers with features designed to optimize conversion rates.

The webinar platform offers real-time engagement data, including attendance rates, chat interactions, and poll responses, enabling marketers to identify points of interest and areas for improvement in their webinars. With this data, marketers can fine-tune their presentations, calls to action, and strategies to maximize conversions.

For instance, a SaaS company can analyze attendees' engagement data to effectively refine its sales pitch and address common objections.

Demio goes above and beyond to foster interactive engagement during webinars. Its interactive features, such as polls, surveys, and live chat, enable two-way communication between hosts and attendees, creating an immersive experience.

This interactivity ensures that attendees remain engaged and focused throughout the webinar, leading to better retention of information and improved marketing outcomes. For example, a digital marketing agency can use live chat to address queries during a webinar on the latest marketing trends, enhancing the overall attendee experience.

Among the best webinar software platforms, Demio understands that not all attendees can attend the live event, so it provides options for webinar replay and on-demand viewing.

This flexibility allows marketers to generate leads and promote their brand long after the live webinar. Additionally, marketers interested in the best webinar platforms can gain insights into content engagement and interest levels by tracking on-demand viewership. For example, a B2B company hosting a product demo webinar can make the recording available for on-demand viewing, attracting more potential customers even after the initial live event.

Demio features

  • It supports unlimited hosts
  • Automated live webinar hosting
  • Custom room and email branding
  • 10-hour session limit
  • Webinar registrant's source tracking
  • Screen
  • Premium platform integrations
  • Attendee engagement polls
  • Unlimited cloud storage
  • Virtual background
  • Upload and play video content
  • Engagement analytics and insights

Demio pricing

Unlike other webinar software platforms, you can choose from annual or monthly Demio pricing plans. No need to pay a high amount just to secure future access. You can pay $59 monthly for a single host, which supports only 50 attendees.

With $109, a single host can engage up to 150 – 1000 attendees. If you need to host 1,001 to 3,000 attendees, prepare to pay a higher amount, and you have to contact the sales team.

#6: Zoom webinar

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

As one of the foremost virtual communication software providers, Zoom has been in the market longer than many competitors. Going by hundreds of thousands of satisfied users and positive customer reviews, you will surely find great value in this platform.

Content marketing lies at the heart of any successful digital marketing strategy, and Zoom Webinar provides marketers with the means to elevate their content delivery. With its robust features, including HD video and audio quality, screen sharing capabilities, and interactive Q&A sessions, Zoom Webinar enables you to host engaging and informative webinars that captivate your audience.

With this software platform, you can begin to share valuable insights, industry trends, and thought leadership, establishing your brand as a credible source of information. The recording feature ensures your content remains accessible even after the live session, allowing you to repurpose it across various channels for extended reach and engagement.

Generating high-quality leads is the lifeline of B2B marketing, and Zoom Webinar is an indispensable tool in this endeavor. Interestingly, many marketers across different industries have found great value in using Zoom as one of the best webinar software.

Zoom webinar platform registration and tracking features provide valuable insights into attendee behavior and preferences, enabling you to tailor your outreach efforts.

Seamless integration of the Zoom webinar platform with customer relationship management (CRM) will help you streamline lead management, ensuring no prospect falls through the cracks.

Marketers can employ targeted follow-up strategies based on attendee interactions, nurturing leads into conversions.

By leveraging Zoom Webinar's customizable branding options, you reinforce your company's identity, fostering trust among potential clients.

Zoom Webinar also empowers creators to tap into this lucrative online learning market by selling online courses. The platform's monetization capabilities and secure payment gateways provide a seamless experience for educators, online course creators, and learners.

Marketers can utilize engaging webinar sessions to showcase the value of their courses, address learner queries in real-time, and build a community of dedicated students. Integrating third-party tools facilitates easy course management and analytics tracking, enabling you to refine your offerings based on attendee feedback and performance data.

When it comes to sales, persuasive communication is paramount.

Zoom Webinar platform equips marketers with persuasive tools to improve conversion rates. The platform's interactive features, such as polls, surveys, and live chat, allow you to gauge audience sentiment and tailor your pitch accordingly.

Seamlessly transition from product presentations to engaging Q&A sessions, addressing potential concerns and buyer objections in real time. In some cases, integrating with e-commerce platforms facilitates a frictionless purchasing process, enhancing the likelihood of immediate conversions.

With Zoom Webinar's detailed analytics, you can dissect attendee engagement patterns and fine-tune your sales strategy for maximum impact.

Zoom webinar features

  • High-fidelity webinar recording
  • Webinar polls and quizzes
  • Custom presentation room branding
  • Interactive live chat and Q/A
  • Webinar performance reports
  • Collaboration with multiple hosts
  • Host virtual events for up to 30 hours
  • Host hybrid webinars for online and offline events
  • Interactive expo floor for conference
  • Native webinar app for Android and iOS

Zoom webinar pricing

One thing about Zoom webinar pricing is that it is relatively complex compared to some of the best webinar software platforms in the market. With $149 per year for a single user, you can host up to 100 attendees while accessing features like team chat, whiteboard, calendar client, and other premium apps.

The different Zoom pricing plan costs $199, which supports up to 300 attendees. If you want to host 500 – 1000 virtual event participants, prepare to pay $600+ per year, which is far higher than what CloudPresenter charges for hosting 1000 – 5000 attendees.

#7: Livestorm

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

Livestorm is a robust platform for hosting virtual events that foster real-time collaboration and engagement. Its user-friendly interface ensures hassle-free scheduling, while the high-definition video and crystal-clear audio quality create a sense of presence, even in virtual settings.

The dynamic interactive features, such as polls, quizzes, and real-time chat, transform online meetings into engaging discussions that mirror face-to-face interactions.

Whether it's a project update, brainstorming session, or client consultation, Livestorm elevates the online meeting experience, fostering seamless communication.

For marketers seeking to educate a larger audience, the webinar software also offers compelling features for hosting live events that leave a lasting impact.

The platform's webinar tool empowers hosts to craft visually appealing and interactive presentations featuring multimedia elements that enhance engagement.

As one of the best webinar software platforms in the market, Livestorm's unique "Green Room" feature ensures presenters are well-prepared, eliminating last-minute technical hiccups. Audience participation is taken to new heights with Livestorm's live chat, questions, and polls, fostering real-time interaction and knowledge sharing.

As a result, hosts can convey their expertise, industry insights, and thought leadership to a global audience, establishing credibility and forging meaningful connections.

The on-demand webinar functionality of Livestorm caters to modern audiences with varied schedules. Hosting an on-demand webinar allows marketers to reach a wider audience, as participants can access the content at their convenience. The webinar software provides an immersive on-demand experience by retaining interactive elements that enable viewers to engage with the content even after the live broadcast.

This feature proves invaluable for businesses looking to extend the lifespan of their content, repurpose webinars for marketing campaigns, or create evergreen training sessions.

With Livestorm's user-friendly interface, hosts can effortlessly customize on-demand webinars to align with their brand's aesthetics and messaging.

Beyond standard webinars, the platform's versatility shines through in facilitating various virtual events. From product launches and workshops to conferences and panel discussions, Livestorm can accommodate diverse event formats.

The platform's webinar registration and attendee management tools empower hosts to curate a seamless experience for participants, ensuring a smooth check-in process and targeted follow-up communication.

Among the best webinar platforms, Livestorm's built-in analytics features provide valuable insights into attendee engagement and satisfaction, enabling hosts to continually enhance virtual events' marketing value.

Livestorm webinar platform features

  • Custom room design
  • Seamless file sharing
  • Unlimited reminder email sequence
  • Customizable registration pages
  • Livestreaming platform integration
  • Unlimited webinar replay storage
  • Team wide accounts
  • Dial in by phone
  • It supports 2 – 3,000 attendees
  • Clean calendar view
  • Maximum event duration of 4 – 12 hours

Livestorm pricing

If you are looking for free webinar software, consider signing up for the first Livestorm plan that doesn't charge you at all. However, the freemium plan, which supports 30 attendees, has some limitations. For example, this free plan allows you to only do up to 20-minute sessions.

The $79 per month plan (billed annually) will enable you to host up to 100 attendees and 4-hour sessions. For marketers that want to host 1000 – 3000 attendees, you have to contact the sales team, which will give you a custom Livestorm pricing plan.

For marketers looking for the best webinar software with affordable pricing plans, you should consider giving Livestorm a chance because of the chat simulator and other interesting features.

#8: ClickMeeting

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

With an intuitive interface and an array of powerful tools, ClickMeeting is an invaluable asset for hosting webinars and online events.

At the heart of ClickMeeting's appeal lies its user-friendly interface, designed to cater to novices and seasoned professionals.

Navigating through the software is a breeze, with a clear layout that allows you to access all its features. Upon logging in, users are greeted with a dashboard that offers quick insights into scheduled webinars, ongoing sessions, and past events.

One of the webinar software's standout features is its robust webinar customization options. Hosts can use personalized logos, banners, and backgrounds to brand their webinars to reflect their company's identity. This level of customization extends to registration forms, allowing hosts to gather specific information from attendees before the event.

This webinar platform feature proves invaluable for tailoring content to the needs and preferences of the audience.

Engagement and interactivity are paramount in online presentations, and ClickMeeting excels in this regard. The software offers various engagement tools for fostering real-time interaction between hosts and participants during live webinars.

Moreover, ClickMeeting's integration with social media platforms enables effective webinar promotion and attendee engagement, further amplifying the impact of your webinars.

Seamless screen sharing and content sharing are integral to effective online presentations, and ClickMeeting delivers on both fronts. Hosts can share their screens, presentations, and documents with participants, ensuring a smooth flow of information.

The dynamic whiteboard feature allows hosts to illustrate concepts on a virtual canvas, enhancing clarity and comprehension.

For larger-scale events, the webinar platform provider offers a unique 'Simulated Live' feature. This feature enables hosts to pre-record webinars and broadcast them as if they were live, complete with real-time interaction elements. This proves especially useful when catering to global audiences across different time zones or aiming for a polished and error-free presentation.

Moreover, ClickMeeting's analytics capabilities provide invaluable insights into webinar performance.

With this feature, you can gauge attendee engagement through detailed statistics, including attendance rates, participation levels, and engagement with interactive elements.

These webinar metrics empower hosts to refine their content and delivery, ensuring that future webinars hit the mark.

The platform's commitment to seamless integration sets it apart as a comprehensive webinar solution. The software integrates with popular CRM systems, email marketing platforms, and e-commerce tools, streamlining post-webinar follow-ups and conversions. This integration capability showcases ClickMeeting's dedication to providing a holistic solution that extends beyond the confines of the live webinars.

The reliability and stability of the software platform also solidify its position in the market. ClickMeeting boasts high-definition video and audio quality, ensuring that your message is conveyed crisply and clearly.

ClickMeeting features

  • Host unlimited live webinars
  • Hassle-free screen sharing
  • Parallel event hosting
  • Virtual background
  • Virtual whiteboard
  • Active call-to-action buttons
  • Event registration landing pages
  • Automated recurring events
  • Auto-publish recording to Youtube
  • Facebook and Youtube livestreaming
  • Dial in numbers
  • Time zone management
  • Run events on sub-accounts

ClickMeeting pricing

Regarding ClickMeeting pricing, you can access the platform with a 30-day free trial plan. Next in the line is the $32 plan that allows a single host to create unlimited online events. With the $48 plan, you can provide access to three users. If your team is considering the best webinar tools that support more than five users, you must contact the sales team for a customized enterprise plan.

Though it might not be the overall best webinar software for marketers, the affordable pricing and exceptional automation features made it a great option.


As you have seen in this webinar software buying guide, there are many similarities and differences between them. If you did not skip the section on how to compare the best webinar platforms, narrowing down the few options that will suit your intended use cases will be easier. With that in mind, a detailed look into the core features will also help you compare the differences.

Having stated that earlier, it is worth reiterating that affordability shouldn't be the most important deciding factor when comparing webinar platforms.

To get the best user experience and make informed purchase decisions, signing up for a free trial of the ones that appeal most to you will get you close to the best option. If you think the free trial plans have limitations, consider contacting the sales team to request a demo of all the features you need to achieve your specific webinar goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which are the best webinar platform?

Best webinar platforms include Cloudpresenter, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. Choose the one that best fits your educational needs and preferences.

How much does webinar software cost?

The Pricing for different webinar software vary, with basic plans starting around $20-$50 per month, while enterprise-level plans can range from $100 to over $1,000 monthly. Prices depend on features, audience capacity, and additional services offered by the webinar software provider.

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Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

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virtual events, hybrid events and webinar platform - cloudpresenter
February 7, 2024
8 Best webinar platforms for marketers in 2024
It's Not Just About Price. Learn why picking the right webinar software is about more than just money. Discover what works for different marketers and find the perfect fit for your team with this easy-to-follow buying guide.
Matt Francis

Table of Contents

How much does webinar software cost? For some people, affordability is usually the number one priority.

But price is rarely the only factor influencing potential buyer intent to compare the best webinar platforms for marketers.

Besides the similarities, a piece of software that seems suitable for one company might not deliver satisfactory value to another company in a different context. Moreover, the needs and intended use cases among marketers interested in hosting webinars are hardly the same. Hence, it's challenging to pick one and call it the best webinar platform.

As some people say many times, one size never fits all. In addition to highlighting the popular options proven to work well for people like you, this webinar software buying guide will give you tips on comparing them and choosing what's best for your company or team.

How to compare the best webinar platforms

When you understand the differences and similarities between them, it will become easier to think through the best webinar software comparison in a practical way. As noted earlier, getting the best software, in this case, goes beyond the price.

Even when the pricing plans are similar among the two providers, you'll still find some differences regarding the core features and usage limit allowed in each plan. Below are the essential pointers on how to choose a webinar software.

Clarify your webinar goal

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

By making your webinar goals clear, specific, and measurable, you'll get closer to achieving them one step at a time. And that's the first thing you should do when choosing the webinar software.

First, consider the intended use cases and the specific goals you want to achieve. Instead of merely thinking about them, find a suitable space to write down your goal. If you want to use the software specifically for marketing, here are some benefits to help you think through your goals.

The benefits of webinars in marketing.

  • Webinar is an excellent alternative to offline meetings and conferences
  • Use educational content to build brand awareness
  • Generate high-quality leads for immediate sales
  • Build an email list of future customers
  • Nurture and convert existing leads in your pipeline
  • Identify common buyer objections in real time
  • Tap into other brand's existing audience

Scalability and audience size

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

The first thing here is to consider your expected or existing audience size when choosing a webinar hosting platform. If you don't consider it enough, your chosen platform may not be technically stable sufficient to support seamless webinar performance. In other words, you need to think beyond a free plan.

The other way to look at it is scalability. Depending on your long-term webinar marketing goal, you should also consider scalability with regard to expected growth in audience size. But that doesn't mean you should sign up and pay for technical webinar hosting capacity that your company won't use anytime soon.

Depending on the audience size, you may choose a webinar platform that supports up to 5,000 attendees at a time. One webinar software example, in this case, is CloudPresenter.

Compare webinar benefits vs. cost

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

Perhaps, you are not working in a marketing role for a non-profit organization. That's why you should also consider the best webinar software comparison from the cost vs. benefits angle.

Whenever someone asks, how do I choose a webinar software? This benefits vs. cost comparison framework is a practical way to think about the answer.

Here are other questions that could help you make the best purchase decision.

  • How much is your budget for the webinar software?
  • Do you want to pay monthly or annually?
  • What are the potential (monetary) benefits relative to the cost?
  • Will the benefits cover the cost over a specified period?
  • How will you measure the benefits?

Team member access

Regarding the best webinar platform comparison, one of the core differences is the number of team members or users allowed in each pricing plan. Because relatively large corporations are finding great value in hosting live webinars, user seats often differ from one context to the other. And that's why you should consider this factor before settling for one platform over the other.

When setting your goals and trying to choose a video conferencing platform, note down the number of team members using it to create webinar sessions.

With some of the best webinar tools in the market, you'll find affordable options supporting 2 – 20 users simultaneously. Sometimes customized enterprise access makes that possible when it's not described clearly on a pricing page.

Webinar analytics and audience engagement features

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

Audience engagement is one of the core live webinar features that will impact your success, especially when you want to deliver online training sessions. In this case, engagement level will determine how your live attendees will respond to your call to action at the end of the online event.

Regarding the chosen topic and audience engagement features, if the presentation of your live streaming, on-demand, or evergreen webinars is boring, most attendees will not stay till the end. Some of the core features to consider in this case include the following –

  • Screen sharing
  • Audience polls
  • Live chat
  • Breakout rooms
  • Annotation whiteboard
  • Downloadable handouts
  • Clickable call to action (CTA)

Regardless of your goals, using webinar features for analytics is one of the best ways to measure success.

That's why you should check a webinar software platform's capabilities for integrating into other marketing tools that will give you valuable insights.

Check for email marketing automation

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

Before and after the presentation, one of the best marketing tools you can use to get more value from your online events is email. After registering for future virtual events, an automated email reminder is among the webinar features that will help you increase your attendance rate.

So, when comparing the best webinar software platforms, don't forget how automated email messaging works in each platform that interests you. If using it requires navigating technical complexities, you may want to pass and look into others.

Integration with other relevant platforms

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

Assuming this is your first time, you might wonder why I should consider integrating with other platforms when looking for the best webinar software.

The key benefit is that it will help you eliminate manual work that may be involved in data sharing while saving a significant amount of time. For example, integrating with a sales CRM will enable your team members to engage with prospective customers before and after the live webinar.

Depending on your webinar promotion strategy, integration with landing page builders, online advertising, and data analytics platforms could give you insights for improving conversion rates.

Interestingly, the best webinar tools will enable you to integrate with even more platforms around tasks related to team collaboration, messaging, live chat, live streaming, email, and other marketing tools.

These and other integration options will help you invite attendees to your live webinar and online meetings.

When native integrations are unavailable on a specific platform, you can use webhooks and API to get the software working the way you want.

Test the webinar software

Before you begin to host virtual events with a webinar tool, the best way to find the most suitable option among the top-rated brands is to sign up for a free trial and test everything.

Besides reading customer reviews and buyer guides like this, signing up for a free trial to host online meetings will give you a real experience of how the system works. However, checking the availability of the main features you want in a free plan is important. For example, if automated webinars are one of your top priorities, check if the features are available in the freemium or free trial plan.

When you want to host webinars and the features most important to you are not available in a free trial plan, consider scheduling a demo with the sales rep of one or two providers.

Even though they might not get into hosting webinars on the spot, they'll demonstrate the premium webinar features you want or use recorded videos to show you how It works.

These are the two best ways to experience better how the best webinar software platforms work instead of relying entirely on written customer reviews.

Webinar platform service provider support

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

The availability of customer support is another important factor to consider when comparing the best webinar platforms for marketers.

Even though the providers of live webinar software platforms will promise you great support on every sales page or point of contact, it is hardly available in every pricing plan. Perhaps, most companies selling access to a video conferencing platform will give you email support, but what happens when you need serious technical help before the day of your event?

That's where live chat and phone support comes into play. And that's one area where you'll find some differences among the providers of on-demand webinar tools. Observing the exact webinar software pricing plan with premium, live support is the main thing.

When large marketing teams hosting webinars need support during or before an event, and it's not available, it could leave a wrong impression on the live attendees.

Before you being t invite attendees to your webinar page, make sure that support is available in case you need it at the last minute.

Best webinar platform reviews and comparison

Now that you know how to compare webinar software platforms for marketers, let's look at the top-rated brands in the market. If you have ever attended a few online meetings or video conferencing events, there is a chance you have experienced how each of these platforms works in real time.

We've selected most of the brands here based on positive customer reviews, high star ratings, robust technology, advanced analytics, and great features for hosting interactive features.

#1: Cloudpresenter

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

Though it doesn't have wide brand popularity in the market, CloudPresenter is one of the best platforms for hosting virtual online meetings, live webinars, hybrid webinars, and dynamic online presentations.

The main interesting thing about this webinar software is that it supports many live attendees, and your marketing teams can host concurrent events using one account. If you are looking for a webinar tool with unlimited team member addition, CloudPresenter might be the best option suitable for your current needs.

As a testament to the platform's robust technology stability, many marketing teams working in healthcare, human resources, education, and corporate consulting services have been using it for a long time.

The most common use cases include product demos, employee onboarding, internal communications, product launches, online courses, online meetings, recruitment, and employee training sessions.

The registration page feature offers more than what you'll get from free webinar software.

Among all other webinar software we have seen, this one has recorded a high number of positive customer reviews across software discovery platforms like G2, Capterra, and GetApp.

Cloudpresenter features

You can only experience the benefits of webinar marketing based on what it will enable you and your team to accomplish. Here are some of the cool features to help with that.

  • Live webinar streaming
  • Engagement breakout rooms
  • Virtual backgrounds
  • Recurring evergreen webinars
  • It supports multiple hosts at a time
  • Team wide accounts
  • Multiple language support
  • Engage 2 – 5,000 attendees
  • Full HD cloud recording
  • Customizable colours and branding
  • Live chat support

Cloudpresenter pricing

Comparatively, CloudPresenter's price seems more affordable than many other competitors in the market. The platform offers freemium, $10, and $12 plans that will give you access to the premium features and standby support to help you host webinars.

#2: GoToMeeting

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

In today's marketing landscape, virtual events have become essential for marketers to engage with their audience, generate leads, and foster brand awareness. GoToMeeting, a popular webinar software, has emerged as a top choice for hosting on-demand webinars, business meetings, and other virtual events.

With its impressive features and user-friendly interface, GoToMeeting caters to marketers' needs and empowers them to create impactful virtual experiences.

In this review, we will delve into the core use cases of GoToMeeting and explore how it serves marketers.

Right from the start, GoToMeeting stands out with its sleek and intuitive interface. The platform's user-friendly design allows marketers to set up and launch virtual events effortlessly. From creating registration pages to managing attendee lists, GoToMeeting streamlines the process, enabling marketers to focus on content creation and engagement strategies instead of grappling with complex technicalities.

One of the standout features of GoToMeeting is its ability to host on-demand webinars. Marketers can pre-record presentations, product demos, and training sessions and make them available for viewing anytime.

This flexibility ensures a broader reach and caters to the diverse schedules of attendees across different time zones. By offering on-demand webinars, marketers can continue to generate leads and engage with audiences long after the live event has ended.

GoToMeeting's core functionality as a video conferencing platform sets it apart from traditional webinar software.

Marketers can conduct real-time meetings with clients, prospects, and team members effortlessly, fostering collaboration and enhancing communication. The high-definition video and crystal-clear audio quality provide a seamless virtual meeting experience, making it an ideal choice for essential sales pitches.

Engagement is crucial in virtual events, and GoToMeeting offers many interactive features to keep participants actively involved. From real-time chat and Q&A sessions to live polls and surveys, marketers can gauge audience feedback and adapt their content accordingly.

This two-way communication ensures virtual events feel more personalized and valuable, ultimately driving higher attendee satisfaction and conversion rates.

To make informed marketing decisions, data-driven insights are essential. The evergreen webinar platform provides marketers with comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, giving them access to valuable data on attendee behaviour, session attendance, and engagement levels. Armed with these metrics, marketers can measure the success of their virtual events, identify areas for improvement, and refine their strategies to optimize future sessions.

The platform's seamless integration capabilities with popular marketing automation tools further enhance its value to marketers.

Marketers can sync attendee data and automate follow-up workflows by integrating with platforms such as HubSpot, Salesforce, and Marketo. This integration streamlines lead nurturing, allowing marketers to maintain engagement with prospects long after the virtual event, nurturing them through the sales funnel effectively.

When it comes to virtual events, technical glitches can be detrimental to the success of a marketing campaign. GoToMeeting boasts a reputation for reliability, ensuring stable connections, and minimizing disruptions during webinar sessions.

Additionally, the platform prioritizes security, offering robust encryption and authentication protocols to protect sensitive data and maintain the privacy of attendees.

GoToMeeting features

  • HD video and clear audio
  • Screen sharing
  • Drawing tools
  • In-session chat
  • Breakout rooms
  • Background noise suppression
  • Conference calling
  • Supports up to 250 attendees
  • Session recording and transcription
  • No meeting time limit
  • Unlimited cloud recording

GoToMeeting pricing

Unlike some other competitors, GoToMeeting doesn't offer a freemium plan. So, if you ask the question, is GoTo Meeting free? You should get that out of your mind. However, you can sign up for a 14 free trial to see how you can host webinars with it.

The premium GoTo Meeting pricing plans are $12 and $16, respectively. Please note that the platform has annual billing only. If you need a plan to host more than 250 attendees, you must contact the sales team.

#3: EverWebinar

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

EverWebinar, a leading webinar software, is designed to host automated webinars. With its robust features and advanced automation capabilities, EverWebinar caters to advanced marketers seeking to scale their reach and maximize their impact.

At the heart of EverWebinar is its ability to host automated webinars, which allows marketers to automate the entire presentation process.

This feature is essential for busy marketers who can now conduct webinars around the clock without physically being present. Marketers can engage with audiences in different time zones by pre-recording and scheduling presentations at specific intervals.

The platform goes beyond simple pre-recorded playback by offering a true-to-life simulated experience. It creates the illusion of a live webinar with interactive elements like polls, chats, and offers.

This level of engagement keeps attendees invested and unaware that the event is automated. Interestingly, you can use this feature to maintain the interactivity and authenticity of a live session, fostering a deeper connection with the audience and driving higher conversion rates.

Many people understand the importance of reaching a broader audience. EverWebinar's dynamic scheduling and repetition features are essential in this regard. The software allows marketers to set up webinars at specific intervals throughout the day or week. This setup ensures that potential attendees across different time zones can get value from your presentation at their convenience. By leveraging the power of repetition, webinar hosts can maximize their exposure and consistently attract new leads to their automated events.

EverWebinar integrates with popular marketing tools, including email marketing platforms and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

This integration enables users to automate follow-up emails, nurture leads, and trigger personalized campaigns based on attendees' behavior during the webinar. By automating these processes, you can begin to convert leads into customers and deepen while driving higher sales and revenue growth.

Data-driven decision-making is crucial in any marketing strategy, and EverWebinar provides comprehensive webinar analytics and tracking tools to facilitate this. Webinar marketers can access detailed insights into attendee behavior, engagement levels, and conversion rates.

With this data, you'll be able to identify areas for improvement, optimize their automated webinars for better results, and refine their marketing strategies to achieve higher success rates.

For many marketers, reliable and scalable infrastructure is paramount. EverWebinar boasts a robust and secure platform that can handle large attendee volumes without compromising performance. The software's stable connectivity ensures a smooth viewing experience for attendees, minimizing technical disruptions and maximizing the webinar's impact.

From video tutorials to live webinars and a responsive support team, the software offers comprehensive assistance to onboard users and troubleshoot any issues they may encounter.

This level of support empowers marketers to focus on their webinar content and marketing strategy, confident that technical assistance is readily available when needed.

Everwebinar features

  • Flexible scheduling system
  • Exceptional automation capabilities
  • Interactive live chat
  • Question and answer sessions
  • Attendee surveys and polls
  • Live chat simulator
  • Automated webinar hosting
  • Easy-to-use landing page builder
  • Registration page split testing
  • Clickable offer links
  • SMS and email automation
  • Insightful webinar analytics

Everwebinar pricing

This platform has just about two pricing plans without any free trials. You can access it by paying $499 per year or $874 for two years. This software is probably not the best for people who may not have that much to spend at once.

#4: WebinarJam

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

Regardless of the industry in which you work, webinars have become an essential medium for marketers to connect with their audiences, share valuable content, and generate leads.

When it comes to hosting evergreen webinars, WebinarJam stands out as a powerful and user-friendly software that caters to the needs of marketers seeking to automate their webinar marketing processes.

WebinarJam's greatest strength lies in its ability to handle evergreen webinars. Marketers can pre-record their presentations, demos, or training sessions and set them up to be played as live events. This automation feature allows them to reach a global audience anytime, creating a sense of urgency without worrying about scheduling conflicts.

By providing an engaging and interactive experience, WebinarJam ensures that attendees remain captivated throughout the presentation, resulting in higher conversion rates and increased sales opportunities.

Navigating the webinar setup process can be daunting, but WebinarJam's intuitive and user-friendly interface simplifies the process. With just a few clicks, marketers can create their evergreen webinar, customize the registration page, and set up email reminders to maximize attendance. The platform also offers a comprehensive analytics dashboard that provides valuable insights into attendee engagement and other key metrics, enabling marketers to fine-tune their presentations for better results.

A successful webinar relies heavily on attendee engagement, and this webinar platform excels in providing a suite of interactive tools to keep participants actively involved.

From polls and surveys to live chat and Q&A sessions, attendees can actively participate and provide feedback, making the evergreen webinar experience feel more like a live event.

This level of interactivity enhances the overall user experience and allows marketers to gather valuable insights and better understand their audience's needs.

Among other interesting features, the platform has a robust infrastructure that ensures smooth and reliable webinar broadcasts, even with many attendees. The platform's scalability allows marketers to cater to audiences of any size without compromising the webinar's quality. Moreover, the webinar platform offers compatibility with various devices and browsers, ensuring attendees can access the webinar from anywhere, further expanding the reach of online events.

WebinarJam facilitates automated email and SMS communication with attendees to ensure maximum attendance and engagement.

You can schedule reminder emails and follow-up messages to keep the audience informed about upcoming webinars or provide additional resources after the event. This personalized touch helps build a stronger connection with the audience and increases the chances of converting leads into customers.

WebinarJam seamlessly integrates with popular marketing tools and CRMs, streamlining lead management and nurturing processes. This integration will enable you to synchronize attendee data, follow up with prospects efficiently, and measure the webinar's impact on overall marketing efforts.

With all the necessary data in one place, you can begin to make better decisions and optimize your marketing strategies effectively.

The software provider provides excellent customer support through various channels, including live chat, email, and extensive knowledge base resources. Users can find answers to their queries promptly, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted webinar hosting.

Additionally, the platform offers video tutorials and training sessions to help marketers make the most of the software's features and enhance their webinar performance.

Webinarjam features

  • It allows up to 6 presenters
  • Reach 5000 attendees
  • Live screen sharing
  • Live chat and Q/A
  • Audience engagement polls and surveys
  • Sticky announcements
  • Automated recording
  • Breakout sessions
  • Virtual stage invitation
  • Availability on Android and iOS app stores
  • Webinar page split testing
  • Downloadable handouts
  • Drawing whiteboard and mindmaps
  • Seamless video injection

Webinarjam pricing

One thing that makes this one different from the best webinar software platforms is the number of pricing plans available for new customers. Webinarjam pricing comes in four other options. You can pay $39, $79, $229, or $379 monthly. In between these plans, you'll find some variations regarding the advanced features. Please note that you have to pay an annual fee to gain access.

#5: Demio

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

Among the many webinar software options available, Demio stands out as a top-notch platform that caters to marketers seeking to accomplish specific marketing goals through their webinars.

Growing brand awareness is a fundamental marketing goal, and Demio provides marketers with an ideal platform to reach a broader audience and establish their brand's identity. With the webinar platform's user-friendly interface and seamless event creation process, marketers can quickly set up webinars that showcase their brand, products, and expertise.

The platform's customizable registration pages and branded webinar rooms ensure a consistent brand experience for attendees, leaving a lasting impression. For example, a company planning to launch a new product can host a series of webinars, educating potential customers about the offering while building brand recognition.

Demio's lead generation capabilities empower marketers to capture valuable leads during webinars.

The webinar platform offers various lead capture tools, such as customizable registration forms and automated follow-up emails, ensuring that marketers can easily collect contact information from attendees. Moreover, Demio's webinar platform integrations with popular email marketing and CRM platforms allow seamless data transfer, streamlining lead management.

For instance, a software company can host a webinar highlighting the benefits of its solution and use Demio's lead capture tools to gather contact details of interested prospects.

Once leads are collected, nurturing them is vital to guide them through the sales funnel. Demio supports this process by providing automated email sequences, enabling marketers to engage with their leads post-webinar.

By sending relevant content and personalized messages, marketers can keep their leads informed, build trust, and eliminate buyer objects, leading to a higher likelihood of conversion. For example, an e-commerce retailer can host a webinar discussing the latest fashion trends and send follow-up emails with curated product recommendations.

Everyone knows that driving conversions is a crucial aspect of marketing, and Demio equips marketers with features designed to optimize conversion rates.

The webinar platform offers real-time engagement data, including attendance rates, chat interactions, and poll responses, enabling marketers to identify points of interest and areas for improvement in their webinars. With this data, marketers can fine-tune their presentations, calls to action, and strategies to maximize conversions.

For instance, a SaaS company can analyze attendees' engagement data to effectively refine its sales pitch and address common objections.

Demio goes above and beyond to foster interactive engagement during webinars. Its interactive features, such as polls, surveys, and live chat, enable two-way communication between hosts and attendees, creating an immersive experience.

This interactivity ensures that attendees remain engaged and focused throughout the webinar, leading to better retention of information and improved marketing outcomes. For example, a digital marketing agency can use live chat to address queries during a webinar on the latest marketing trends, enhancing the overall attendee experience.

Among the best webinar software platforms, Demio understands that not all attendees can attend the live event, so it provides options for webinar replay and on-demand viewing.

This flexibility allows marketers to generate leads and promote their brand long after the live webinar. Additionally, marketers interested in the best webinar platforms can gain insights into content engagement and interest levels by tracking on-demand viewership. For example, a B2B company hosting a product demo webinar can make the recording available for on-demand viewing, attracting more potential customers even after the initial live event.

Demio features

  • It supports unlimited hosts
  • Automated live webinar hosting
  • Custom room and email branding
  • 10-hour session limit
  • Webinar registrant's source tracking
  • Screen
  • Premium platform integrations
  • Attendee engagement polls
  • Unlimited cloud storage
  • Virtual background
  • Upload and play video content
  • Engagement analytics and insights

Demio pricing

Unlike other webinar software platforms, you can choose from annual or monthly Demio pricing plans. No need to pay a high amount just to secure future access. You can pay $59 monthly for a single host, which supports only 50 attendees.

With $109, a single host can engage up to 150 – 1000 attendees. If you need to host 1,001 to 3,000 attendees, prepare to pay a higher amount, and you have to contact the sales team.

#6: Zoom webinar

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

As one of the foremost virtual communication software providers, Zoom has been in the market longer than many competitors. Going by hundreds of thousands of satisfied users and positive customer reviews, you will surely find great value in this platform.

Content marketing lies at the heart of any successful digital marketing strategy, and Zoom Webinar provides marketers with the means to elevate their content delivery. With its robust features, including HD video and audio quality, screen sharing capabilities, and interactive Q&A sessions, Zoom Webinar enables you to host engaging and informative webinars that captivate your audience.

With this software platform, you can begin to share valuable insights, industry trends, and thought leadership, establishing your brand as a credible source of information. The recording feature ensures your content remains accessible even after the live session, allowing you to repurpose it across various channels for extended reach and engagement.

Generating high-quality leads is the lifeline of B2B marketing, and Zoom Webinar is an indispensable tool in this endeavor. Interestingly, many marketers across different industries have found great value in using Zoom as one of the best webinar software.

Zoom webinar platform registration and tracking features provide valuable insights into attendee behavior and preferences, enabling you to tailor your outreach efforts.

Seamless integration of the Zoom webinar platform with customer relationship management (CRM) will help you streamline lead management, ensuring no prospect falls through the cracks.

Marketers can employ targeted follow-up strategies based on attendee interactions, nurturing leads into conversions.

By leveraging Zoom Webinar's customizable branding options, you reinforce your company's identity, fostering trust among potential clients.

Zoom Webinar also empowers creators to tap into this lucrative online learning market by selling online courses. The platform's monetization capabilities and secure payment gateways provide a seamless experience for educators, online course creators, and learners.

Marketers can utilize engaging webinar sessions to showcase the value of their courses, address learner queries in real-time, and build a community of dedicated students. Integrating third-party tools facilitates easy course management and analytics tracking, enabling you to refine your offerings based on attendee feedback and performance data.

When it comes to sales, persuasive communication is paramount.

Zoom Webinar platform equips marketers with persuasive tools to improve conversion rates. The platform's interactive features, such as polls, surveys, and live chat, allow you to gauge audience sentiment and tailor your pitch accordingly.

Seamlessly transition from product presentations to engaging Q&A sessions, addressing potential concerns and buyer objections in real time. In some cases, integrating with e-commerce platforms facilitates a frictionless purchasing process, enhancing the likelihood of immediate conversions.

With Zoom Webinar's detailed analytics, you can dissect attendee engagement patterns and fine-tune your sales strategy for maximum impact.

Zoom webinar features

  • High-fidelity webinar recording
  • Webinar polls and quizzes
  • Custom presentation room branding
  • Interactive live chat and Q/A
  • Webinar performance reports
  • Collaboration with multiple hosts
  • Host virtual events for up to 30 hours
  • Host hybrid webinars for online and offline events
  • Interactive expo floor for conference
  • Native webinar app for Android and iOS

Zoom webinar pricing

One thing about Zoom webinar pricing is that it is relatively complex compared to some of the best webinar software platforms in the market. With $149 per year for a single user, you can host up to 100 attendees while accessing features like team chat, whiteboard, calendar client, and other premium apps.

The different Zoom pricing plan costs $199, which supports up to 300 attendees. If you want to host 500 – 1000 virtual event participants, prepare to pay $600+ per year, which is far higher than what CloudPresenter charges for hosting 1000 – 5000 attendees.

#7: Livestorm

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

Livestorm is a robust platform for hosting virtual events that foster real-time collaboration and engagement. Its user-friendly interface ensures hassle-free scheduling, while the high-definition video and crystal-clear audio quality create a sense of presence, even in virtual settings.

The dynamic interactive features, such as polls, quizzes, and real-time chat, transform online meetings into engaging discussions that mirror face-to-face interactions.

Whether it's a project update, brainstorming session, or client consultation, Livestorm elevates the online meeting experience, fostering seamless communication.

For marketers seeking to educate a larger audience, the webinar software also offers compelling features for hosting live events that leave a lasting impact.

The platform's webinar tool empowers hosts to craft visually appealing and interactive presentations featuring multimedia elements that enhance engagement.

As one of the best webinar software platforms in the market, Livestorm's unique "Green Room" feature ensures presenters are well-prepared, eliminating last-minute technical hiccups. Audience participation is taken to new heights with Livestorm's live chat, questions, and polls, fostering real-time interaction and knowledge sharing.

As a result, hosts can convey their expertise, industry insights, and thought leadership to a global audience, establishing credibility and forging meaningful connections.

The on-demand webinar functionality of Livestorm caters to modern audiences with varied schedules. Hosting an on-demand webinar allows marketers to reach a wider audience, as participants can access the content at their convenience. The webinar software provides an immersive on-demand experience by retaining interactive elements that enable viewers to engage with the content even after the live broadcast.

This feature proves invaluable for businesses looking to extend the lifespan of their content, repurpose webinars for marketing campaigns, or create evergreen training sessions.

With Livestorm's user-friendly interface, hosts can effortlessly customize on-demand webinars to align with their brand's aesthetics and messaging.

Beyond standard webinars, the platform's versatility shines through in facilitating various virtual events. From product launches and workshops to conferences and panel discussions, Livestorm can accommodate diverse event formats.

The platform's webinar registration and attendee management tools empower hosts to curate a seamless experience for participants, ensuring a smooth check-in process and targeted follow-up communication.

Among the best webinar platforms, Livestorm's built-in analytics features provide valuable insights into attendee engagement and satisfaction, enabling hosts to continually enhance virtual events' marketing value.

Livestorm webinar platform features

  • Custom room design
  • Seamless file sharing
  • Unlimited reminder email sequence
  • Customizable registration pages
  • Livestreaming platform integration
  • Unlimited webinar replay storage
  • Team wide accounts
  • Dial in by phone
  • It supports 2 – 3,000 attendees
  • Clean calendar view
  • Maximum event duration of 4 – 12 hours

Livestorm pricing

If you are looking for free webinar software, consider signing up for the first Livestorm plan that doesn't charge you at all. However, the freemium plan, which supports 30 attendees, has some limitations. For example, this free plan allows you to only do up to 20-minute sessions.

The $79 per month plan (billed annually) will enable you to host up to 100 attendees and 4-hour sessions. For marketers that want to host 1000 – 3000 attendees, you have to contact the sales team, which will give you a custom Livestorm pricing plan.

For marketers looking for the best webinar software with affordable pricing plans, you should consider giving Livestorm a chance because of the chat simulator and other interesting features.

#8: ClickMeeting

Best Webinar Software, Video Conferencing Software, Virtual Meeting Platform, and Virtual Event Platform

With an intuitive interface and an array of powerful tools, ClickMeeting is an invaluable asset for hosting webinars and online events.

At the heart of ClickMeeting's appeal lies its user-friendly interface, designed to cater to novices and seasoned professionals.

Navigating through the software is a breeze, with a clear layout that allows you to access all its features. Upon logging in, users are greeted with a dashboard that offers quick insights into scheduled webinars, ongoing sessions, and past events.

One of the webinar software's standout features is its robust webinar customization options. Hosts can use personalized logos, banners, and backgrounds to brand their webinars to reflect their company's identity. This level of customization extends to registration forms, allowing hosts to gather specific information from attendees before the event.

This webinar platform feature proves invaluable for tailoring content to the needs and preferences of the audience.

Engagement and interactivity are paramount in online presentations, and ClickMeeting excels in this regard. The software offers various engagement tools for fostering real-time interaction between hosts and participants during live webinars.

Moreover, ClickMeeting's integration with social media platforms enables effective webinar promotion and attendee engagement, further amplifying the impact of your webinars.

Seamless screen sharing and content sharing are integral to effective online presentations, and ClickMeeting delivers on both fronts. Hosts can share their screens, presentations, and documents with participants, ensuring a smooth flow of information.

The dynamic whiteboard feature allows hosts to illustrate concepts on a virtual canvas, enhancing clarity and comprehension.

For larger-scale events, the webinar platform provider offers a unique 'Simulated Live' feature. This feature enables hosts to pre-record webinars and broadcast them as if they were live, complete with real-time interaction elements. This proves especially useful when catering to global audiences across different time zones or aiming for a polished and error-free presentation.

Moreover, ClickMeeting's analytics capabilities provide invaluable insights into webinar performance.

With this feature, you can gauge attendee engagement through detailed statistics, including attendance rates, participation levels, and engagement with interactive elements.

These webinar metrics empower hosts to refine their content and delivery, ensuring that future webinars hit the mark.

The platform's commitment to seamless integration sets it apart as a comprehensive webinar solution. The software integrates with popular CRM systems, email marketing platforms, and e-commerce tools, streamlining post-webinar follow-ups and conversions. This integration capability showcases ClickMeeting's dedication to providing a holistic solution that extends beyond the confines of the live webinars.

The reliability and stability of the software platform also solidify its position in the market. ClickMeeting boasts high-definition video and audio quality, ensuring that your message is conveyed crisply and clearly.

ClickMeeting features

  • Host unlimited live webinars
  • Hassle-free screen sharing
  • Parallel event hosting
  • Virtual background
  • Virtual whiteboard
  • Active call-to-action buttons
  • Event registration landing pages
  • Automated recurring events
  • Auto-publish recording to Youtube
  • Facebook and Youtube livestreaming
  • Dial in numbers
  • Time zone management
  • Run events on sub-accounts

ClickMeeting pricing

Regarding ClickMeeting pricing, you can access the platform with a 30-day free trial plan. Next in the line is the $32 plan that allows a single host to create unlimited online events. With the $48 plan, you can provide access to three users. If your team is considering the best webinar tools that support more than five users, you must contact the sales team for a customized enterprise plan.

Though it might not be the overall best webinar software for marketers, the affordable pricing and exceptional automation features made it a great option.


As you have seen in this webinar software buying guide, there are many similarities and differences between them. If you did not skip the section on how to compare the best webinar platforms, narrowing down the few options that will suit your intended use cases will be easier. With that in mind, a detailed look into the core features will also help you compare the differences.

Having stated that earlier, it is worth reiterating that affordability shouldn't be the most important deciding factor when comparing webinar platforms.

To get the best user experience and make informed purchase decisions, signing up for a free trial of the ones that appeal most to you will get you close to the best option. If you think the free trial plans have limitations, consider contacting the sales team to request a demo of all the features you need to achieve your specific webinar goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which are the best webinar platform?

Best webinar platforms include Cloudpresenter, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. Choose the one that best fits your educational needs and preferences.

How much does webinar software cost?

The Pricing for different webinar software vary, with basic plans starting around $20-$50 per month, while enterprise-level plans can range from $100 to over $1,000 monthly. Prices depend on features, audience capacity, and additional services offered by the webinar software provider.

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“We’ve been using Cloudpresenter to expertly bring our series of webinars to life, increasing attendance and engagement"

Dr.Satveer Mahil
Kings College Hospital London