10 Common webinar mistakes and how to avoid them

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Matt Francis - Founder at Cloudpresenter
Post by
Matt Francis
Last updated :
January 30, 2024
 | 20 min read

From one business context to another, people can always experience the benefits of hosting webinars. But when you are relatively new to it, some of the most common webinar mistakes can prevent you from getting the desired benefits.

Perhaps you have attended a few live webinars and also heard how other people are leveraging them to achieve different types of business and marketing results.

However, if you are regularly hosting webinars and still didn't get good results out of them, you may be making some of the webinar mistakes discussed in this post. Besides highlighting some of these mistakes, we'll guide you on how to avoid them in order to start getting better results from your next webinars.

Common webinar mistakes you need to avoid

#1: Poor webinar planning

Ineffective webinar planning can significantly jeopardize the success of the entire event. When planning falls short, it often leads to a lack of clarity in the webinar's objectives, resulting in a directionless and unengaging presentation.

Without a well-structured plan for content, speakers may struggle to convey information coherently, causing confusion among attendees. Inadequate planning also increases the likelihood of logistical issues during the webinar, such as poor timing or disorganized segments, ultimately impacting the audience's experience negatively. 

Additionally, a failure to prepare adequately can result in presenters feeling unconfident and unprepared, diminishing their ability to deliver compelling and informative sessions. Ultimately, poor webinar planning significantly undermines the event's success by compromising its coherence, engagement, and overall effectiveness of the presentation.

#2: Ignoring technical setup

The technical requirements for hosting webinars determine a lot about the overall success. But sometimes, it's easy to assume that everything is fine before the last minute, leading to your webinar presentation. Unfortunately, such an assumption in itself is a mistake.

If you ignore the technical Setup in this case, you might be surprised by the little issues that could throw you off balance before the time of the event. And that's something you wouldn't want to experience.

From your internet connection to your webcam and microphone, there are so many things that could go wrong unexpectedly.

Sometimes, a simple software update on the webinar platform you are using might be the issue. Hence, you shouldn't assume that everything is fine since the last time you used it.

How to avoid it: Remember to take the technical requirements into account before the time of the event. Check that all connections and settings are working well.

#3: Overlooking rehearsal

Whether this is your first time hosting a webinar or not, the flow of the online presentation can be sometimes challenging. It doesn't matter if you have had years of experience around the webinar topic; if you don't rehearse your presentation, there is a chance that you'll make even more mistakes along the line.

But what is webinar rehearsal anyway?

It is simply a process of practicing what you'll say, when to say it, and how to say it during the live webinar. In a case where you'll be using lots of slides, the mismatched presentation may end up disengaging some of the attendees in the middle of the event.

Assuming you want to make some offers and share clickable purchase links during the webinar, ignoring rehearsal may also lead to the presentation of the offers at the wrong time during the live event. For people who want to use multiple presenters during the event, it is also important to get everyone on board and test all the required tools before the day of hosting your live sessions.

How to avoid it: Make sure you plan and conduct a full rehearsal before getting into the live presentation. Regardless of the chosen webinar platform, commit time to test all the features required for you to make a successful presentation.

#4: Ignoring interactive audience engagement

Neglecting interactive audience engagement within a live webinar can profoundly undermine its overall success by stifling participant involvement and diminishing the impact of the content.

Without avenues for interaction, such as polls, Q&A sessions, or live chats, attendees become passive spectators rather than active participants, resulting in reduced engagement levels and a lack of connection with the material.

This absence of interaction can lead to decreased attentiveness, causing attendees to disengage or multitask, thereby diluting the webinar's message and failing to leave a lasting impression. Furthermore, without opportunities for real-time engagement, presenters lose the chance to address specific queries or clarify points, potentially leaving attendees confused or dissatisfied. The absence of interactive elements also impedes the creation of a dynamic and vibrant atmosphere, ultimately diminishing the webinar's memorability and hindering its ability to create a meaningful impact on the audience.

How to avoid it: Choose a platform that has the most relevant features for interactive engagement. Besides, it is important to plan a brief session or instances of interactive engagement with webinar polls, chats, surveys, and breakout rooms.

Before your event, ensure that you understand the usage and engagement limits allowed before you begin to welcome attendees to the event.

#5: Lengthy and boring content

Presenting lengthy and monotonous content during a webinar constitutes a critical mistake that severely constrains its success by leading to audience disengagement and a loss of attention. Lengthy content overwhelms participants and hampers their ability to retain information, resulting in diminished focus and comprehension.

The absence of engaging elements such as visual aids, interactive segments, or varied presentation styles exacerbates the boredom, leading attendees to tune out or disengage entirely. This lack of engagement not only diminishes the impact of the webinar's message but also affects its memorability, rendering the information less likely to resonate with the audience after the event.

Moreover, prolonged and uninteresting content can damage the webinar's reputation and credibility, dissuading attendees from participating in future sessions. Ultimately, the presence of lengthy and uninspiring content significantly limits a webinar's success by impeding audience engagement, comprehension, and the potential for meaningful impact.

How to avoid it: Make your content short and straight to the point. Try to plan the flow of all your presentation slides and premium offers you'll be making during the event. To make it more engaging for the audience, use as many visuals as possible since it helps people retain more information as opposed to static blocks of text.

#6: Going over the scheduled time

Exceeding the scheduled time during a webinar constitutes a critical mistake that can significantly curtail its success by undermining attendee satisfaction, engagement, and overall effectiveness.

Overextending the duration erodes participants' attention spans and disrupts their planned schedules, leading to frustration and disengagement. This overshoot can also impact the perceived professionalism of the host and the credibility of the content, potentially diminishing trust and interest in future events.

Furthermore, going beyond the allotted time disregards attendees' time commitments, potentially causing them to drop off before the conclusion, miss crucial information, or feel dissatisfied due to the abrupt departure.

Prolonged sessions can dilute the impact of the key messages and lessen the retention of critical information, ultimately diminishing the webinar's effectiveness in achieving its intended goals. Thus, exceeding the scheduled time not only affects participant satisfaction and engagement but also jeopardizes the webinar's ability to convey its message effectively, significantly limiting its success.

How to avoid it: Do not go beyond the scheduled or promised time. Most times, when the time is extended, you'll lose the audience's attention, and that will limit the results you'll get from hosting the event in the first place.

#7: Insufficient webinar promotion time

How much time do you allocate to your webinar promotion strategy?

It doesn't matter the sophistication of the webinar platform or how attractive the topic might be, if you don't promote your webinars well enough, you'll not get the best results out of the whole thing. Interestingly, one of the most influential variables that will affect the outcome of your webinar promotion is the duration of time you set aside for it.

Across many industries, the average time required for effective promotion is 2 – 4 weeks before the live event. Depending on the promotional channels you choose, this specific length of time will help you run some tests to determine where to spend the majority of your limited webinar marketing resources.

As you promote through different channels and strategies within this time frame, you'll have an opportunity to discover which platform delivers more valuable results than others.

How to avoid it: Set aside sufficient time to promote your webinar across different channels. Try running some A/B tests to uncover some of the best channels and strategies that will give you the highest results within the stipulated time.

Some of the best webinar promotion channels include the following –

  • Free Facebook group posting
  • Facebook advertising
  • Paid search adverting
  • Company blog post
  • Influencer marketing
  • Guest blog posting
  • Existing blog posts
  • Youtube channel

#8: Skipping webinar follow up

According to some of the leading experts in the marketing industry, most of the money from webinars is made from the back end, not the front end. That means you may only be able to make a little money or sales from the main live sessions. Consequently, if you ignore the webinar follow-up strategy, you are probably leaving big money on the table.

Interestingly, the backend, in this case, refers to the engagement you'll get from your attendees after the main live event. Unfortunately, many inexperienced hosts still ignore this crucial part of hosting a webinar. Through your follow-up engagement, you can start promoting your products or services over a specified period.

The most interesting part is that people who are not ready to purchase now or become paying clients might be ready in the future, probably at the time of receiving your email.

For more insights, check out this webinar follow-up email guide.

How to avoid it: Before the day of your event, you should create a webinar follow-up email sequence ready to go out after the live session. One interesting part is that you can use the automation and integration features of your chosen platform to set this email sequence on autopilot. And

#9: Ignoring post-webinar surveys

A post-webinar survey is a questionnaire or feedback form distributed to attendees after a webinar concludes. It aims to gather insights, opinions, and feedback from participants regarding various aspects of the webinar experience, including content relevance, speaker effectiveness, technical quality, and overall satisfaction. This survey helps organizers assess the webinar's success, gather constructive criticism, and understand attendee perspectives to improve future webinar offerings.

Unfortunately, some people do not take advantage of post-webinar surveys at all. Everything ends when the live event comes to an end. But that's not the best way to get the best results from your webinar.

Some benefits of post-webinar surveys include the following –

  • Gauges attendee satisfaction and overall experience.
  • Provides valuable feedback for content improvement.
  • Helps in understanding audience preferences and interests.
  • Identifies areas for enhancing speaker effectiveness.
  • Assists in evaluating technical aspects and platform performance.
  • Offers insights for optimizing future webinar strategies.
  • Facilitates engagement and fosters a sense of inclusivity.
  • Enhances the overall quality and effectiveness of future webinars.

For people who are yet to start exploring this part of a successful webinar strategy, the depth of insights you'll gain from it might just surprise you at the first instance.

How to avoid it: Choose a webinar platform with survey features. Look for integration options that could help you tap into other survey tools with some advanced tools. Most importantly, create your webinar survey questions and have them ready before the end of the event. To get the highest level of engagement, you may consider offering some product or service discounts exclusive to the survey participants.

Frequently asked questions about webinar success

What is the best way to schedule your webinar?

The best way to schedule a webinar is to consider your target audience's preferences, time zones, and availability. Utilizing scheduling tools that offer flexibility in time options and considering peak hours for your audience can significantly impact attendance rates. Additionally, sending out reminders and promoting the webinar well in advance can help participants plan accordingly, ensuring a higher turnout and engagement during the event.

How do I use webinars to generate quality leads?

You can utilize webinars effectively for quality lead generation by offering valuable and relevant content that addresses your audience's pain points or interests. Promote the webinar across multiple channels to attract the right audience, using compelling descriptions and engaging visuals.

During the webinar, incorporate interactive elements and encourage audience participation to foster engagement and build rapport. Offer additional resources or exclusive deals that require attendees to provide their contact information, thereby capturing leads. After the webinar, follow up with attendees by sharing the webinar recording, sending a thank-you email, and nurturing those leads with relevant content to maintain their interest and engagement with your brand.

How do I create a high-converting webinar registration landing page?

To create a high-converting webinar registration landing page, focus on a clear and compelling headline that communicates the value and benefits of attending the webinar. Use engaging visuals, such as images or videos, to captivate visitors' attention and support your message. Keep the registration form concise, asking for essential information only, and ensure it's prominently displayed with a visible call-to-action button. Highlight key details about the webinar, including the date, time, agenda, and what attendees can expect to learn. Incorporate social proof, testimonials, or statistics to build credibility and trust. Lastly, optimize the page for mobile devices and perform A/B testing to refine elements that drive higher conversions.


Most times, people don't make mistakes intentionally. The lack of knowledge or negligence about a specific thing often leads to wasteful or even fatal webinar mistakes. When it comes to hosting a successful webinar, most of these mistakes can limit the results you'll get from your entire efforts.

Assuming you have been making some of these mistakes, that means you and your team have existing potential to start getting better results. Interestingly, we have highlighted how to avoid each of them and start doing things differently. The best part is that you may not need to spend more money to start getting better results from your webinar strategy.

For example, the platform you are using may have all the features required to host a successful webinar, but if you are not using them, you are putting your business at a disadvantage.

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January 30, 2024
10 Common webinar mistakes and how to avoid them
Discover the common mistakes people often make during webinars & learn how to fix them in this article. Wondering what webinar mistakes to avoid? Find out here!
Matt Francis

Table of Contents

From one business context to another, people can always experience the benefits of hosting webinars. But when you are relatively new to it, some of the most common webinar mistakes can prevent you from getting the desired benefits.

Perhaps you have attended a few live webinars and also heard how other people are leveraging them to achieve different types of business and marketing results.

However, if you are regularly hosting webinars and still didn't get good results out of them, you may be making some of the webinar mistakes discussed in this post. Besides highlighting some of these mistakes, we'll guide you on how to avoid them in order to start getting better results from your next webinars.

Common webinar mistakes you need to avoid

#1: Poor webinar planning

Ineffective webinar planning can significantly jeopardize the success of the entire event. When planning falls short, it often leads to a lack of clarity in the webinar's objectives, resulting in a directionless and unengaging presentation.

Without a well-structured plan for content, speakers may struggle to convey information coherently, causing confusion among attendees. Inadequate planning also increases the likelihood of logistical issues during the webinar, such as poor timing or disorganized segments, ultimately impacting the audience's experience negatively. 

Additionally, a failure to prepare adequately can result in presenters feeling unconfident and unprepared, diminishing their ability to deliver compelling and informative sessions. Ultimately, poor webinar planning significantly undermines the event's success by compromising its coherence, engagement, and overall effectiveness of the presentation.

#2: Ignoring technical setup

The technical requirements for hosting webinars determine a lot about the overall success. But sometimes, it's easy to assume that everything is fine before the last minute, leading to your webinar presentation. Unfortunately, such an assumption in itself is a mistake.

If you ignore the technical Setup in this case, you might be surprised by the little issues that could throw you off balance before the time of the event. And that's something you wouldn't want to experience.

From your internet connection to your webcam and microphone, there are so many things that could go wrong unexpectedly.

Sometimes, a simple software update on the webinar platform you are using might be the issue. Hence, you shouldn't assume that everything is fine since the last time you used it.

How to avoid it: Remember to take the technical requirements into account before the time of the event. Check that all connections and settings are working well.

#3: Overlooking rehearsal

Whether this is your first time hosting a webinar or not, the flow of the online presentation can be sometimes challenging. It doesn't matter if you have had years of experience around the webinar topic; if you don't rehearse your presentation, there is a chance that you'll make even more mistakes along the line.

But what is webinar rehearsal anyway?

It is simply a process of practicing what you'll say, when to say it, and how to say it during the live webinar. In a case where you'll be using lots of slides, the mismatched presentation may end up disengaging some of the attendees in the middle of the event.

Assuming you want to make some offers and share clickable purchase links during the webinar, ignoring rehearsal may also lead to the presentation of the offers at the wrong time during the live event. For people who want to use multiple presenters during the event, it is also important to get everyone on board and test all the required tools before the day of hosting your live sessions.

How to avoid it: Make sure you plan and conduct a full rehearsal before getting into the live presentation. Regardless of the chosen webinar platform, commit time to test all the features required for you to make a successful presentation.

#4: Ignoring interactive audience engagement

Neglecting interactive audience engagement within a live webinar can profoundly undermine its overall success by stifling participant involvement and diminishing the impact of the content.

Without avenues for interaction, such as polls, Q&A sessions, or live chats, attendees become passive spectators rather than active participants, resulting in reduced engagement levels and a lack of connection with the material.

This absence of interaction can lead to decreased attentiveness, causing attendees to disengage or multitask, thereby diluting the webinar's message and failing to leave a lasting impression. Furthermore, without opportunities for real-time engagement, presenters lose the chance to address specific queries or clarify points, potentially leaving attendees confused or dissatisfied. The absence of interactive elements also impedes the creation of a dynamic and vibrant atmosphere, ultimately diminishing the webinar's memorability and hindering its ability to create a meaningful impact on the audience.

How to avoid it: Choose a platform that has the most relevant features for interactive engagement. Besides, it is important to plan a brief session or instances of interactive engagement with webinar polls, chats, surveys, and breakout rooms.

Before your event, ensure that you understand the usage and engagement limits allowed before you begin to welcome attendees to the event.

#5: Lengthy and boring content

Presenting lengthy and monotonous content during a webinar constitutes a critical mistake that severely constrains its success by leading to audience disengagement and a loss of attention. Lengthy content overwhelms participants and hampers their ability to retain information, resulting in diminished focus and comprehension.

The absence of engaging elements such as visual aids, interactive segments, or varied presentation styles exacerbates the boredom, leading attendees to tune out or disengage entirely. This lack of engagement not only diminishes the impact of the webinar's message but also affects its memorability, rendering the information less likely to resonate with the audience after the event.

Moreover, prolonged and uninteresting content can damage the webinar's reputation and credibility, dissuading attendees from participating in future sessions. Ultimately, the presence of lengthy and uninspiring content significantly limits a webinar's success by impeding audience engagement, comprehension, and the potential for meaningful impact.

How to avoid it: Make your content short and straight to the point. Try to plan the flow of all your presentation slides and premium offers you'll be making during the event. To make it more engaging for the audience, use as many visuals as possible since it helps people retain more information as opposed to static blocks of text.

#6: Going over the scheduled time

Exceeding the scheduled time during a webinar constitutes a critical mistake that can significantly curtail its success by undermining attendee satisfaction, engagement, and overall effectiveness.

Overextending the duration erodes participants' attention spans and disrupts their planned schedules, leading to frustration and disengagement. This overshoot can also impact the perceived professionalism of the host and the credibility of the content, potentially diminishing trust and interest in future events.

Furthermore, going beyond the allotted time disregards attendees' time commitments, potentially causing them to drop off before the conclusion, miss crucial information, or feel dissatisfied due to the abrupt departure.

Prolonged sessions can dilute the impact of the key messages and lessen the retention of critical information, ultimately diminishing the webinar's effectiveness in achieving its intended goals. Thus, exceeding the scheduled time not only affects participant satisfaction and engagement but also jeopardizes the webinar's ability to convey its message effectively, significantly limiting its success.

How to avoid it: Do not go beyond the scheduled or promised time. Most times, when the time is extended, you'll lose the audience's attention, and that will limit the results you'll get from hosting the event in the first place.

#7: Insufficient webinar promotion time

How much time do you allocate to your webinar promotion strategy?

It doesn't matter the sophistication of the webinar platform or how attractive the topic might be, if you don't promote your webinars well enough, you'll not get the best results out of the whole thing. Interestingly, one of the most influential variables that will affect the outcome of your webinar promotion is the duration of time you set aside for it.

Across many industries, the average time required for effective promotion is 2 – 4 weeks before the live event. Depending on the promotional channels you choose, this specific length of time will help you run some tests to determine where to spend the majority of your limited webinar marketing resources.

As you promote through different channels and strategies within this time frame, you'll have an opportunity to discover which platform delivers more valuable results than others.

How to avoid it: Set aside sufficient time to promote your webinar across different channels. Try running some A/B tests to uncover some of the best channels and strategies that will give you the highest results within the stipulated time.

Some of the best webinar promotion channels include the following –

  • Free Facebook group posting
  • Facebook advertising
  • Paid search adverting
  • Company blog post
  • Influencer marketing
  • Guest blog posting
  • Existing blog posts
  • Youtube channel

#8: Skipping webinar follow up

According to some of the leading experts in the marketing industry, most of the money from webinars is made from the back end, not the front end. That means you may only be able to make a little money or sales from the main live sessions. Consequently, if you ignore the webinar follow-up strategy, you are probably leaving big money on the table.

Interestingly, the backend, in this case, refers to the engagement you'll get from your attendees after the main live event. Unfortunately, many inexperienced hosts still ignore this crucial part of hosting a webinar. Through your follow-up engagement, you can start promoting your products or services over a specified period.

The most interesting part is that people who are not ready to purchase now or become paying clients might be ready in the future, probably at the time of receiving your email.

For more insights, check out this webinar follow-up email guide.

How to avoid it: Before the day of your event, you should create a webinar follow-up email sequence ready to go out after the live session. One interesting part is that you can use the automation and integration features of your chosen platform to set this email sequence on autopilot. And

#9: Ignoring post-webinar surveys

A post-webinar survey is a questionnaire or feedback form distributed to attendees after a webinar concludes. It aims to gather insights, opinions, and feedback from participants regarding various aspects of the webinar experience, including content relevance, speaker effectiveness, technical quality, and overall satisfaction. This survey helps organizers assess the webinar's success, gather constructive criticism, and understand attendee perspectives to improve future webinar offerings.

Unfortunately, some people do not take advantage of post-webinar surveys at all. Everything ends when the live event comes to an end. But that's not the best way to get the best results from your webinar.

Some benefits of post-webinar surveys include the following –

  • Gauges attendee satisfaction and overall experience.
  • Provides valuable feedback for content improvement.
  • Helps in understanding audience preferences and interests.
  • Identifies areas for enhancing speaker effectiveness.
  • Assists in evaluating technical aspects and platform performance.
  • Offers insights for optimizing future webinar strategies.
  • Facilitates engagement and fosters a sense of inclusivity.
  • Enhances the overall quality and effectiveness of future webinars.

For people who are yet to start exploring this part of a successful webinar strategy, the depth of insights you'll gain from it might just surprise you at the first instance.

How to avoid it: Choose a webinar platform with survey features. Look for integration options that could help you tap into other survey tools with some advanced tools. Most importantly, create your webinar survey questions and have them ready before the end of the event. To get the highest level of engagement, you may consider offering some product or service discounts exclusive to the survey participants.

Frequently asked questions about webinar success

What is the best way to schedule your webinar?

The best way to schedule a webinar is to consider your target audience's preferences, time zones, and availability. Utilizing scheduling tools that offer flexibility in time options and considering peak hours for your audience can significantly impact attendance rates. Additionally, sending out reminders and promoting the webinar well in advance can help participants plan accordingly, ensuring a higher turnout and engagement during the event.

How do I use webinars to generate quality leads?

You can utilize webinars effectively for quality lead generation by offering valuable and relevant content that addresses your audience's pain points or interests. Promote the webinar across multiple channels to attract the right audience, using compelling descriptions and engaging visuals.

During the webinar, incorporate interactive elements and encourage audience participation to foster engagement and build rapport. Offer additional resources or exclusive deals that require attendees to provide their contact information, thereby capturing leads. After the webinar, follow up with attendees by sharing the webinar recording, sending a thank-you email, and nurturing those leads with relevant content to maintain their interest and engagement with your brand.

How do I create a high-converting webinar registration landing page?

To create a high-converting webinar registration landing page, focus on a clear and compelling headline that communicates the value and benefits of attending the webinar. Use engaging visuals, such as images or videos, to captivate visitors' attention and support your message. Keep the registration form concise, asking for essential information only, and ensure it's prominently displayed with a visible call-to-action button. Highlight key details about the webinar, including the date, time, agenda, and what attendees can expect to learn. Incorporate social proof, testimonials, or statistics to build credibility and trust. Lastly, optimize the page for mobile devices and perform A/B testing to refine elements that drive higher conversions.


Most times, people don't make mistakes intentionally. The lack of knowledge or negligence about a specific thing often leads to wasteful or even fatal webinar mistakes. When it comes to hosting a successful webinar, most of these mistakes can limit the results you'll get from your entire efforts.

Assuming you have been making some of these mistakes, that means you and your team have existing potential to start getting better results. Interestingly, we have highlighted how to avoid each of them and start doing things differently. The best part is that you may not need to spend more money to start getting better results from your webinar strategy.

For example, the platform you are using may have all the features required to host a successful webinar, but if you are not using them, you are putting your business at a disadvantage.

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