How to record a webinar and repurpose its content

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Matt Francis - Founder at Cloudpresenter
Post by
Matt Francis
Last updated :
March 22, 2024
 | 20 min read

Considering the importance of webinars in the digital marketing world, it is common for marketers to seek ways to maximize the use of each webinar they make. One way they can do that is through repurposing webinar content.

As the term implies, repurposing your webinar is simply using the same content in different ways, possibly on multiple platforms, to reach other markets. To do this, you would have to repurpose your webinars (if it's live) and distribute them in different formats. This article will help you learn how to repurpose live webinars to increase your ROI and digital presence. 

Why you should repurpose your webinar across multiple platforms

B2B businesses focus on creating high-quality content, including webinars. A good content marketing strategy is usually the difference between a successful business and a struggling one. However, as competition becomes stiffer and the digital landscape consistently evolves, the pressure to push out vast volumes of content instead of focusing on quality can be overwhelming. When content, such as your webinar content, is repurposed, it is the act of reaching multiple platforms and varying markets with one quality content. 

Here are additional reasons you should consider repurposing your webinar into multiple formats for social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok as well as making them available as podcasts on platforms like Spotify. 

Get more mileage from your webinar video content

Much of the goal of creating any webinar video series is to boost brand awareness, increase leads, and make more sales. Repurposing webinars helps you accomplish these goals by allowing it to reach more people across various platforms. This way, you can get more traffic from social media content flowing to your site in the long term. 

Repurposing webinar video clips saves you time during the content creation phase

Instead of individually creating new content for your website, YouTube, and various social media platforms, you can save time by adapting a single webinar to the audience of multiple platforms. This move can free up time to develop ideas for more quality content. 

Reach out to different types of learners with repurposed webinars

No doubt, your prospective clients consume information differently. While some prefer to watch long-form videos, others prefer a shorter version with key takeaways. Still, some would like audio. Sharing the same content in a different format increases the number of people who can assimilate and benefit from your message. It can also do wonders for lead conversion. 

Use the webinar to gain insight into customer's needs

Diversifying one content idea to different platforms and formats can give you an insight into your customers' needs. You can know which format works best, which topic performs better on which platform, and with what audience. This knowledge will help you optimize your content strategy and streamline your marketing efforts. You can then deliver your content in the places or manner that brings you the most results.  

Recording your live webinars: the first step to repurposing webinars

When making webinars, B2B businesses usually have two primary options. You could choose to use pre-recorded webinars, which your customers can play at their convenience, or you could go with a live webinar, which offers little flexibility but has the advantage of getting you close to prospective customers. 

However, if you wish to repurpose your webinar, you will need a recorded webinar to kick things off. Fortunately, there are ways you can record your live webinar. All you have to do is follow the steps below:

Step One: Download a screen recorder

Most good quality Webinar platforms like Cloudpresenter will have the facility to record your sessions. However, even if this is not available, it is still possible to record live sessions and you can do this with the help of good screen recorder software. Some popular screen recorders include Loom, Snagit, Vidmate, or Camtasia; Apple users can use apps like ScreenFlow. Ensure that whatever screen recorder you use comes with video editing tools to simplify the process, unless you are happy using video editing platforms such as Premiere Pro, Final Cut or iMovie.

Step Two: Set up your webinar recording software

If using your webinar platform to record then there is nothing to do here, except we always advise run a test to ensure the recording layout is as you expect and also the best quality it can be. When setting up screen recording it is different for various webinar software, but usually, the processes are similar. For example, in Loom, Snagit and Camtasia, you the procedure is roughly the same:

  • Open a browser and navigate to your webinar.

  • Go to your screen recorder software/app and click the video tab; a red capture button will appear.

  • Click on the button and select the area of the screen you wish to record.

  • Adjust the capture area by using the handles on the edge of the selected area.

  • You can also select a browser tab or set the full-screen option to record your entire screen.

Step Three: Record your webinar and create short-form content 

Once you start your live session, click the record button in your webinar platform or on your screenrecorder app and begin the recording process. Note that some apps start recording after a three-second countdown. Another precaution to avoid is moving your browser window or tab between applications, as a screen recorder records everything happening within the selected area. 

Step Four: Control and complete recording

Once your webinar has finished stop the recording - some software you can use hotkeys controlling the recorder to stop the action. These command keys differ with different operating systems.

  • Windows users can use the Shift+ F9 button to pause/resume and the Shift + F10 to stop the recording entirely.

  • Mac users use the Control + Shift+ Space button to pause/resume the recording and the Control + Shift+ V to stop it completely.

The recording should appear in your webinar software recordings tab, or the screen recording app once you end the recording. 

Step Five: Edit and save the recording

Go to your screen recording software and preview the entire recording, making edits where necessary. You can cut out unwanted sections, save frames from your video recording, and move them to your preferred storage site such as Dropbox or Google Drive. 

Caution: If using screen recording while having a live webinar can be very demanding for your computer, so you want to take steps to avoid screen lag or jumpy video. Consider closing applications not in use and reducing your screen resolution during recording to combat any anticipated performance deficiency. 

6 ways you can repurpose your webinar content

Repurposing your webinar content has multiple benefits, but you where do you start? Here are some ways to repurpose your content:

Convert your webinar into bite-sized social teasers and short clips

Since the introduction of short form video platforms such as TikTok and YouTube Reels, consumption and preference for short form videos has sky-rocketed. Therefore converting a 45-minute webinar into multiple short-form clips enables you to reach the short form video demographic. Including links to your website or landing page in the comments section of these platforms acts as a form of lead generation, whilst spreading brand awareness. Clips are also an excellent way to repurpose content because they work as promotional material for your next webinar. 

Create a blog post out of your webinar content

As a business, you already have a blog where you share product information. Luckily, you can convert the script or preparatory notes for your webinar into a blog post detailing the advantages of your service or product or addressing a need in your industry. The benefit of this technique is that you have already done the research and considered the webinar topic's SEO potential. And that's one of the best webinar strategies for getting traffic from search engines. 

Repurposing webinars into blog posts will provide another avenue for lead generation (by allowing you to embed links within the post). It will help increase organic content on your website and cement your authority on that subject. Use selected keywords relevant to your webinar outline and a clear call to action within the blog posts. 

Don't forget to use engaging visuals within the blog posts. If you have the skills or resources, you can also create an infographic, depending on the webinar topic. Based on our research findings, the representation of data in this format is another way to engage a unique audience searching for visual content. 

Record a podcast

An excellent way to repurpose your webinar content into different formats is by turning it into a podcast episode, which can enormously impact your business as the podcast audience increases. The new attention podcasts get makes them a viable source of finding and acquiring new audiences. One of the appeals of podcasts is that people can search and quickly access topics of interest. Plus, they can listen to them on the go. 

Imagine your content conveniently in the ears and faces of prospective leads at any possible time. Imagine what that would do for your business. Converting your webinar to podcasts is relatively easy. You can upload your edited webinar audio to Google, Apple, or Spotify podcast platforms. That's it; you have a new avenue to reach your target audience. Remember to direct them to your website or landing page. 

Create lead magnets

Although webinars can be lead magnets, you can also convert them to other forms for generating leads. With some care, you can use the manuscript of a webinar and insight from the question and answer portion as the basis of an ebook or an online guide. You can place this ebook on your site or social media platforms and offer it as a free download in exchange for information such as email addresses and basic demographics. This information, as you know, is essential for your marketing purposes. 

Build an on-demand video library

A survey carried out by Workcast on B2B businesses discovered that 30% of all registrants to webinars preferred to watch the content after the live event. As a savvy digital marketer, you can tap into this preference by collating all your webinars into an online library, which would be available to prospective customers at their convenience. 

There are several opportunities for creating this library. You can use it to improve your SEO efforts by adding a landing page with each video or embedding forms or strong CTA to funnel leads toward your sales team, which would then convert them. You may decide on additional revenue by selling access to the library. For this approach, you can use platforms like Vimeo. 

Create a stimulating infographic

You can also use the key takeaways from your webinars to create a visually stimulating infographic that you can place on your website and other social media platforms. Tools like Canva, Piktochart, and Visme can help you make good graphics highlighting your webinar's most compelling points, facts, and stats. Those who prefer visual information over reading or audio formats can easily absorb this content. You can embed links to your website in the infographic and use it as a lead magnet. 


Webinars are essential for a content marketing strategy but can be as useful as other content types. Repurposed content provides you access to new audiences on different platforms, and provides a deeper understanding of how your target audience consumes your content.

You can repurpose webinar content by converting videos into blog posts, short form videos, infographics, and an on-demand digital library. Use this content as part of your SEO efforts to boost organic traffic to your site and social media platforms. This content gives another opportunity to link to your website or your landing page and creates a whole new lead generation tool, which most importantly of course, increases sales of your products or services and drives business growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of webinars to the digital marketer?

Webinars are essential for marketing your product or service, especially if you are a B2B business. They are integral to content marketing strategy and help foster audience engagement, brand identity, and improved sales and lead conversion. They also help you nurture relationships with prospective leads and build more trust between you and your companies. 

How can you make your webinars more popular?

You can make your webinars more popular by turning them into shorter videos lasting 3 to 5 minutes and posting them on your YouTube channel, where they can get more attention. You can also make shorter 30-second to one-minute videos on TikTok, Shorts, or Reels. Don't forget to include a Q&A session within your live webinars. 

How can you write a blog post from your webinar?

You can do this by reviewing your webinar transcript and picking the topics that resonated the most with the attendees. Arrange the points or critical points using templates from places like Chat GPT. Ensure that you're using easy-to-understand language and the content flows well. In addition, it's important to use keywords that describe the products or services your target audience is searching. 

How can digital marketers repurpose webinar content to make more sales?

One of the benefits of repurposing webinars is that it can lead to more sales; here are some ways you can go about it. Transcribe your webinar and use the transcript to create good SEO content, start a blog or blog series with links to your landing pages, convert it to slides with important takeaways and put them on Slideshare, turn it into a downloadable guide or ebook, and use it as a lead magnet. Use the Q & A webinar session to create a FAQ page or more blogs with SEO priorities.

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March 22, 2024
How to record a webinar and repurpose its content
Boost your marketing strategy with webinar content repurposing! Transform a single webinar into multiple formats to engage more target customers and maximize ROI.
Matt Francis

Table of Contents

Considering the importance of webinars in the digital marketing world, it is common for marketers to seek ways to maximize the use of each webinar they make. One way they can do that is through repurposing webinar content.

As the term implies, repurposing your webinar is simply using the same content in different ways, possibly on multiple platforms, to reach other markets. To do this, you would have to repurpose your webinars (if it's live) and distribute them in different formats. This article will help you learn how to repurpose live webinars to increase your ROI and digital presence. 

Why you should repurpose your webinar across multiple platforms

B2B businesses focus on creating high-quality content, including webinars. A good content marketing strategy is usually the difference between a successful business and a struggling one. However, as competition becomes stiffer and the digital landscape consistently evolves, the pressure to push out vast volumes of content instead of focusing on quality can be overwhelming. When content, such as your webinar content, is repurposed, it is the act of reaching multiple platforms and varying markets with one quality content. 

Here are additional reasons you should consider repurposing your webinar into multiple formats for social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok as well as making them available as podcasts on platforms like Spotify. 

Get more mileage from your webinar video content

Much of the goal of creating any webinar video series is to boost brand awareness, increase leads, and make more sales. Repurposing webinars helps you accomplish these goals by allowing it to reach more people across various platforms. This way, you can get more traffic from social media content flowing to your site in the long term. 

Repurposing webinar video clips saves you time during the content creation phase

Instead of individually creating new content for your website, YouTube, and various social media platforms, you can save time by adapting a single webinar to the audience of multiple platforms. This move can free up time to develop ideas for more quality content. 

Reach out to different types of learners with repurposed webinars

No doubt, your prospective clients consume information differently. While some prefer to watch long-form videos, others prefer a shorter version with key takeaways. Still, some would like audio. Sharing the same content in a different format increases the number of people who can assimilate and benefit from your message. It can also do wonders for lead conversion. 

Use the webinar to gain insight into customer's needs

Diversifying one content idea to different platforms and formats can give you an insight into your customers' needs. You can know which format works best, which topic performs better on which platform, and with what audience. This knowledge will help you optimize your content strategy and streamline your marketing efforts. You can then deliver your content in the places or manner that brings you the most results.  

Recording your live webinars: the first step to repurposing webinars

When making webinars, B2B businesses usually have two primary options. You could choose to use pre-recorded webinars, which your customers can play at their convenience, or you could go with a live webinar, which offers little flexibility but has the advantage of getting you close to prospective customers. 

However, if you wish to repurpose your webinar, you will need a recorded webinar to kick things off. Fortunately, there are ways you can record your live webinar. All you have to do is follow the steps below:

Step One: Download a screen recorder

Most good quality Webinar platforms like Cloudpresenter will have the facility to record your sessions. However, even if this is not available, it is still possible to record live sessions and you can do this with the help of good screen recorder software. Some popular screen recorders include Loom, Snagit, Vidmate, or Camtasia; Apple users can use apps like ScreenFlow. Ensure that whatever screen recorder you use comes with video editing tools to simplify the process, unless you are happy using video editing platforms such as Premiere Pro, Final Cut or iMovie.

Step Two: Set up your webinar recording software

If using your webinar platform to record then there is nothing to do here, except we always advise run a test to ensure the recording layout is as you expect and also the best quality it can be. When setting up screen recording it is different for various webinar software, but usually, the processes are similar. For example, in Loom, Snagit and Camtasia, you the procedure is roughly the same:

  • Open a browser and navigate to your webinar.

  • Go to your screen recorder software/app and click the video tab; a red capture button will appear.

  • Click on the button and select the area of the screen you wish to record.

  • Adjust the capture area by using the handles on the edge of the selected area.

  • You can also select a browser tab or set the full-screen option to record your entire screen.

Step Three: Record your webinar and create short-form content 

Once you start your live session, click the record button in your webinar platform or on your screenrecorder app and begin the recording process. Note that some apps start recording after a three-second countdown. Another precaution to avoid is moving your browser window or tab between applications, as a screen recorder records everything happening within the selected area. 

Step Four: Control and complete recording

Once your webinar has finished stop the recording - some software you can use hotkeys controlling the recorder to stop the action. These command keys differ with different operating systems.

  • Windows users can use the Shift+ F9 button to pause/resume and the Shift + F10 to stop the recording entirely.

  • Mac users use the Control + Shift+ Space button to pause/resume the recording and the Control + Shift+ V to stop it completely.

The recording should appear in your webinar software recordings tab, or the screen recording app once you end the recording. 

Step Five: Edit and save the recording

Go to your screen recording software and preview the entire recording, making edits where necessary. You can cut out unwanted sections, save frames from your video recording, and move them to your preferred storage site such as Dropbox or Google Drive. 

Caution: If using screen recording while having a live webinar can be very demanding for your computer, so you want to take steps to avoid screen lag or jumpy video. Consider closing applications not in use and reducing your screen resolution during recording to combat any anticipated performance deficiency. 

6 ways you can repurpose your webinar content

Repurposing your webinar content has multiple benefits, but you where do you start? Here are some ways to repurpose your content:

Convert your webinar into bite-sized social teasers and short clips

Since the introduction of short form video platforms such as TikTok and YouTube Reels, consumption and preference for short form videos has sky-rocketed. Therefore converting a 45-minute webinar into multiple short-form clips enables you to reach the short form video demographic. Including links to your website or landing page in the comments section of these platforms acts as a form of lead generation, whilst spreading brand awareness. Clips are also an excellent way to repurpose content because they work as promotional material for your next webinar. 

Create a blog post out of your webinar content

As a business, you already have a blog where you share product information. Luckily, you can convert the script or preparatory notes for your webinar into a blog post detailing the advantages of your service or product or addressing a need in your industry. The benefit of this technique is that you have already done the research and considered the webinar topic's SEO potential. And that's one of the best webinar strategies for getting traffic from search engines. 

Repurposing webinars into blog posts will provide another avenue for lead generation (by allowing you to embed links within the post). It will help increase organic content on your website and cement your authority on that subject. Use selected keywords relevant to your webinar outline and a clear call to action within the blog posts. 

Don't forget to use engaging visuals within the blog posts. If you have the skills or resources, you can also create an infographic, depending on the webinar topic. Based on our research findings, the representation of data in this format is another way to engage a unique audience searching for visual content. 

Record a podcast

An excellent way to repurpose your webinar content into different formats is by turning it into a podcast episode, which can enormously impact your business as the podcast audience increases. The new attention podcasts get makes them a viable source of finding and acquiring new audiences. One of the appeals of podcasts is that people can search and quickly access topics of interest. Plus, they can listen to them on the go. 

Imagine your content conveniently in the ears and faces of prospective leads at any possible time. Imagine what that would do for your business. Converting your webinar to podcasts is relatively easy. You can upload your edited webinar audio to Google, Apple, or Spotify podcast platforms. That's it; you have a new avenue to reach your target audience. Remember to direct them to your website or landing page. 

Create lead magnets

Although webinars can be lead magnets, you can also convert them to other forms for generating leads. With some care, you can use the manuscript of a webinar and insight from the question and answer portion as the basis of an ebook or an online guide. You can place this ebook on your site or social media platforms and offer it as a free download in exchange for information such as email addresses and basic demographics. This information, as you know, is essential for your marketing purposes. 

Build an on-demand video library

A survey carried out by Workcast on B2B businesses discovered that 30% of all registrants to webinars preferred to watch the content after the live event. As a savvy digital marketer, you can tap into this preference by collating all your webinars into an online library, which would be available to prospective customers at their convenience. 

There are several opportunities for creating this library. You can use it to improve your SEO efforts by adding a landing page with each video or embedding forms or strong CTA to funnel leads toward your sales team, which would then convert them. You may decide on additional revenue by selling access to the library. For this approach, you can use platforms like Vimeo. 

Create a stimulating infographic

You can also use the key takeaways from your webinars to create a visually stimulating infographic that you can place on your website and other social media platforms. Tools like Canva, Piktochart, and Visme can help you make good graphics highlighting your webinar's most compelling points, facts, and stats. Those who prefer visual information over reading or audio formats can easily absorb this content. You can embed links to your website in the infographic and use it as a lead magnet. 


Webinars are essential for a content marketing strategy but can be as useful as other content types. Repurposed content provides you access to new audiences on different platforms, and provides a deeper understanding of how your target audience consumes your content.

You can repurpose webinar content by converting videos into blog posts, short form videos, infographics, and an on-demand digital library. Use this content as part of your SEO efforts to boost organic traffic to your site and social media platforms. This content gives another opportunity to link to your website or your landing page and creates a whole new lead generation tool, which most importantly of course, increases sales of your products or services and drives business growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of webinars to the digital marketer?

Webinars are essential for marketing your product or service, especially if you are a B2B business. They are integral to content marketing strategy and help foster audience engagement, brand identity, and improved sales and lead conversion. They also help you nurture relationships with prospective leads and build more trust between you and your companies. 

How can you make your webinars more popular?

You can make your webinars more popular by turning them into shorter videos lasting 3 to 5 minutes and posting them on your YouTube channel, where they can get more attention. You can also make shorter 30-second to one-minute videos on TikTok, Shorts, or Reels. Don't forget to include a Q&A session within your live webinars. 

How can you write a blog post from your webinar?

You can do this by reviewing your webinar transcript and picking the topics that resonated the most with the attendees. Arrange the points or critical points using templates from places like Chat GPT. Ensure that you're using easy-to-understand language and the content flows well. In addition, it's important to use keywords that describe the products or services your target audience is searching. 

How can digital marketers repurpose webinar content to make more sales?

One of the benefits of repurposing webinars is that it can lead to more sales; here are some ways you can go about it. Transcribe your webinar and use the transcript to create good SEO content, start a blog or blog series with links to your landing pages, convert it to slides with important takeaways and put them on Slideshare, turn it into a downloadable guide or ebook, and use it as a lead magnet. Use the Q & A webinar session to create a FAQ page or more blogs with SEO priorities.

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