How B2B SaaS companies can use webinars to drive product sales

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Matt Francis - Founder at Cloudpresenter
Post by
Matt Francis
Last updated :
May 31, 2024
 | 20 min read

Regardless of how innovative you think your SaaS product is, one of the things that shocks early-stage founders and SaaS marketers is high-level competition across different niche segments. Given the level of competition in many niche markets, differentiation becomes hard.

In addition to high competitiveness, the rising cost of online advertising makes customer acquisition a big challenge for many SaaS companies. The challenge seems even harder for people who have yet to explore how to use webinars for SaaS product marketing while relying on a single customer acquisition channel.

Assuming you are one of those marketers or business owners who hasn't invested a dime in webinars as part of their SaaS marketing strategy, you are missing out.

Interestingly, this post will guide you on leveraging webinar content marketing to engage your target audience, generate quality leads, and increase SaaS revenue. Moreover, you'll discover some of the best tools for hosting webinars.

Why webinars work well for SaaS product marketing

Webinars are effective for SaaS product marketing due to their interactive nature and real-time ability to showcase the product's features.

They provide a platform for engaging directly with potential customers, addressing their concerns, and demonstrating the value proposition effectively. Additionally, webinars allow for targeted audience segmentation, ensuring the content is tailored to specific user needs or pain points.

Furthermore, they offer an opportunity to establish thought leadership within the industry and foster trust by offering valuable insights and expertise. Overall, webinars serve as a dynamic tool for educating prospects, generating leads, and ultimately driving conversions for SaaS products.

How to use webinars to drive SaaS product sales

Using SaaS webinars to acquire new users and pay customers involves many steps. And if you have not been using webinars to grow your SaaS business, understanding how these steps align with each other is paramount to getting the desired results. Let's take a look at the specific steps involved.

#1: Research your customer pain points

Customer pain point research is crucial for crafting effective SaaS webinars as it forms the foundation for understanding the specific challenges and needs of the target audience. By identifying and addressing these pain points directly within the webinar content, SaaS companies can build trust and demonstrate empathy while capturing the audience's attention and fostering a deeper connection.

Tailoring the webinar content to directly address these pain points allows for a more compelling narrative, showcasing how the SaaS product provides solutions and tangible benefits, thereby increasing the likelihood of customer acquisition and retention.

Some of the best ways to research SaaS customer pain points include the following –

  • General customer survey
  • Churn data analytics
  • Cancelling customer survey
  • Software product review websites
  • Customer support tickets
  • Monitoring complaints about competitors
  • Question and answer websites (Quora)
  • Strategic keyword research

From each of these unique sources, you can gain valuable insights to increase the effectiveness of your SaaS marketing efforts. Before creating SaaS content for your webinar sales funnel, lay a strong foundation by starting with deep research.

#2: Create educational webinar content to demonstrate how your product works

Creating educational webinar content is paramount for nurturing and converting sales leads into paying customers, as it establishes credibility, builds trust, and demonstrates the value of the SaaS product.

Educational webinars allow one to address common pain points, offer solutions, and showcase new product features in a dynamic and interactive format. By providing valuable insights, best practices, and actionable tips, SaaS companies can position themselves as industry experts and thought leaders, earning the confidence of potential customers.

Additionally, educational webinars empower leads with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed purchasing decisions, thereby increasing the likelihood of conversion and fostering long-term customer loyalty.

Educational lead generation content that works for acquiring SaaS customers includes product demo tutorials, case studies, industry insights, and best practice guides.

#3: Demonstrate your product use cases

SaaS businesses can effectively acquire new customers by demonstrating product use cases in webinars and showcasing real-life scenarios where their solution addresses specific pain points or fulfils the critical needs of the target audience.

By illustrating their product's practical applications and benefits, SaaS companies can provide valuable context and relevance to potential customers, helping them understand how the solution can directly solve their problems or improve their workflows. By hosting a webinar, such demonstration builds credibility and trust and highlights the product's unique value proposition, ultimately motivating leads to convert into paying customers.

During a webinar, you can address SaaS product buyer objections by acknowledging concerns openly and providing compelling answers or solutions that effectively demonstrate the product's value proposition, reassuring potential customers about the product's capabilities and addressing any doubts they may have.

Utilise testimonials, case studies, or live demonstrations to provide concrete evidence of the product's efficacy, thereby alleviating buyer objections and instilling confidence in its suitability for their needs.

#4: Leverage post-webinar email marketing to sell your company's product

Post-webinar email marketing involves sending targeted emails to attendees or registrants after a webinar.

The goal is often to provide additional resources, share the recorded webinar, reinforce key points, nurture leads, or promote further engagement with the SaaS product or service discussed during the webinar. Besides, you can also promote your future webinars through automated, post-webinar emails. 

Post-webinar email marketing serves as a powerful tool for SaaS companies to drive product sales and acquire new customers by reinforcing the value proposition presented during the webinar, offering exclusive promotions or discounts, providing additional educational resources, and nurturing leads through personalised follow-ups, ultimately guiding prospects through the sales funnel with targeted messaging and increasing conversion rates through ongoing engagement and relationship-building efforts.

#5: Invest in collaborative SaaS webinar marketing to promote your product

Collaborative webinar marketing involves partnering with other businesses or influencers to co-create and promote webinars, leveraging the combined expertise, audience reach, and resources of multiple parties to maximise the impact and effectiveness of the webinar event.

Below are some practical tips on how B2B marketing and sales leaders can host collaborative webinars to demo their products and acquire new paying customers.

Identify potential partners: Reach out to businesses or influencers in your industry with complementary expertise or a similar target audience.

Define objectives and topics: Determine the goals of the webinar collaboration and select relevant topics that resonate with both parties' audiences.

Plan logistics: Coordinate schedules, select a platform for hosting the webinar, and decide on technical details such as webinar format and presentation materials.

Promote the webinar: Create promotional materials, including email invites, social media posts, and blog content, to generate interest and drive registrations.

Collaborate on content creation: Work together to develop the webinar content, including slides, scripts, and interactive elements, ensuring that each partner's perspectives are represented.

Host the webinar: Conduct the webinar live, with each partner contributing their expertise and engaging with the audience through presentations, Q&A sessions, and interactive discussions.

Follow up: The Webinar itself is just the start of the journey - send thank-you emails to attendees, share webinar recordings or additional resources, and continue the collaboration by exploring future partnership opportunities.


Successfully driving product sales with SaaS webinars requires laying a solid foundation as laid out here. You can start by conducting deep research to understand your target customers, their business needs, and operating workflows. With the insights gained through this stage, you can move on to the other tasks of creating educational content and promoting the content to fill your sales pipeline.

Most importantly, remember the webinar itself is only the beginning! Don't forget to leverage post-webinar email marketing to re-engage registrants, including those who could not attend, and repurpose your content across your media channels. If you haven't already, maybe now is the time to start your webinar marketing journey with a platform like Cloudpresenter?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get SaaS customers from on-demand webinars?

You can attract SaaS customers from on-demand webinars by promoting them through targeted marketing channels, providing valuable content that addresses customer pain points, and incorporating clear calls-to-action directing viewers to sign up for your product or service.

How can SaaS marketers use webinars to convert leads into paying customers?

Marketers can use webinars to convert leads into paying customers by providing valuable insights, addressing customer pain points, showcasing product benefits, and offering exclusive deals or incentives to encourage purchase decisions.

How do I drive traffic with my SaaS content strategy?

To drive traffic with your SaaS content strategy, focus on creating high-quality, informative content that addresses your target audience's needs and pain points, optimizing it for relevant keywords to improve search engine visibility, and promoting it across various channels, including social media, email newsletters, and industry forums.

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May 31, 2024
How B2B SaaS companies can use webinars to drive product sales
Curious about leveraging webinars to fuel your SaaS company's expansion? Explore these essential steps for maximising the impact of your webinar—from preparation to execution and follow-up, helping you achieve meaningful outcomes.
Matt Francis

Table of Contents

Regardless of how innovative you think your SaaS product is, one of the things that shocks early-stage founders and SaaS marketers is high-level competition across different niche segments. Given the level of competition in many niche markets, differentiation becomes hard.

In addition to high competitiveness, the rising cost of online advertising makes customer acquisition a big challenge for many SaaS companies. The challenge seems even harder for people who have yet to explore how to use webinars for SaaS product marketing while relying on a single customer acquisition channel.

Assuming you are one of those marketers or business owners who hasn't invested a dime in webinars as part of their SaaS marketing strategy, you are missing out.

Interestingly, this post will guide you on leveraging webinar content marketing to engage your target audience, generate quality leads, and increase SaaS revenue. Moreover, you'll discover some of the best tools for hosting webinars.

Why webinars work well for SaaS product marketing

Webinars are effective for SaaS product marketing due to their interactive nature and real-time ability to showcase the product's features.

They provide a platform for engaging directly with potential customers, addressing their concerns, and demonstrating the value proposition effectively. Additionally, webinars allow for targeted audience segmentation, ensuring the content is tailored to specific user needs or pain points.

Furthermore, they offer an opportunity to establish thought leadership within the industry and foster trust by offering valuable insights and expertise. Overall, webinars serve as a dynamic tool for educating prospects, generating leads, and ultimately driving conversions for SaaS products.

How to use webinars to drive SaaS product sales

Using SaaS webinars to acquire new users and pay customers involves many steps. And if you have not been using webinars to grow your SaaS business, understanding how these steps align with each other is paramount to getting the desired results. Let's take a look at the specific steps involved.

#1: Research your customer pain points

Customer pain point research is crucial for crafting effective SaaS webinars as it forms the foundation for understanding the specific challenges and needs of the target audience. By identifying and addressing these pain points directly within the webinar content, SaaS companies can build trust and demonstrate empathy while capturing the audience's attention and fostering a deeper connection.

Tailoring the webinar content to directly address these pain points allows for a more compelling narrative, showcasing how the SaaS product provides solutions and tangible benefits, thereby increasing the likelihood of customer acquisition and retention.

Some of the best ways to research SaaS customer pain points include the following –

  • General customer survey
  • Churn data analytics
  • Cancelling customer survey
  • Software product review websites
  • Customer support tickets
  • Monitoring complaints about competitors
  • Question and answer websites (Quora)
  • Strategic keyword research

From each of these unique sources, you can gain valuable insights to increase the effectiveness of your SaaS marketing efforts. Before creating SaaS content for your webinar sales funnel, lay a strong foundation by starting with deep research.

#2: Create educational webinar content to demonstrate how your product works

Creating educational webinar content is paramount for nurturing and converting sales leads into paying customers, as it establishes credibility, builds trust, and demonstrates the value of the SaaS product.

Educational webinars allow one to address common pain points, offer solutions, and showcase new product features in a dynamic and interactive format. By providing valuable insights, best practices, and actionable tips, SaaS companies can position themselves as industry experts and thought leaders, earning the confidence of potential customers.

Additionally, educational webinars empower leads with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed purchasing decisions, thereby increasing the likelihood of conversion and fostering long-term customer loyalty.

Educational lead generation content that works for acquiring SaaS customers includes product demo tutorials, case studies, industry insights, and best practice guides.

#3: Demonstrate your product use cases

SaaS businesses can effectively acquire new customers by demonstrating product use cases in webinars and showcasing real-life scenarios where their solution addresses specific pain points or fulfils the critical needs of the target audience.

By illustrating their product's practical applications and benefits, SaaS companies can provide valuable context and relevance to potential customers, helping them understand how the solution can directly solve their problems or improve their workflows. By hosting a webinar, such demonstration builds credibility and trust and highlights the product's unique value proposition, ultimately motivating leads to convert into paying customers.

During a webinar, you can address SaaS product buyer objections by acknowledging concerns openly and providing compelling answers or solutions that effectively demonstrate the product's value proposition, reassuring potential customers about the product's capabilities and addressing any doubts they may have.

Utilise testimonials, case studies, or live demonstrations to provide concrete evidence of the product's efficacy, thereby alleviating buyer objections and instilling confidence in its suitability for their needs.

#4: Leverage post-webinar email marketing to sell your company's product

Post-webinar email marketing involves sending targeted emails to attendees or registrants after a webinar.

The goal is often to provide additional resources, share the recorded webinar, reinforce key points, nurture leads, or promote further engagement with the SaaS product or service discussed during the webinar. Besides, you can also promote your future webinars through automated, post-webinar emails. 

Post-webinar email marketing serves as a powerful tool for SaaS companies to drive product sales and acquire new customers by reinforcing the value proposition presented during the webinar, offering exclusive promotions or discounts, providing additional educational resources, and nurturing leads through personalised follow-ups, ultimately guiding prospects through the sales funnel with targeted messaging and increasing conversion rates through ongoing engagement and relationship-building efforts.

#5: Invest in collaborative SaaS webinar marketing to promote your product

Collaborative webinar marketing involves partnering with other businesses or influencers to co-create and promote webinars, leveraging the combined expertise, audience reach, and resources of multiple parties to maximise the impact and effectiveness of the webinar event.

Below are some practical tips on how B2B marketing and sales leaders can host collaborative webinars to demo their products and acquire new paying customers.

Identify potential partners: Reach out to businesses or influencers in your industry with complementary expertise or a similar target audience.

Define objectives and topics: Determine the goals of the webinar collaboration and select relevant topics that resonate with both parties' audiences.

Plan logistics: Coordinate schedules, select a platform for hosting the webinar, and decide on technical details such as webinar format and presentation materials.

Promote the webinar: Create promotional materials, including email invites, social media posts, and blog content, to generate interest and drive registrations.

Collaborate on content creation: Work together to develop the webinar content, including slides, scripts, and interactive elements, ensuring that each partner's perspectives are represented.

Host the webinar: Conduct the webinar live, with each partner contributing their expertise and engaging with the audience through presentations, Q&A sessions, and interactive discussions.

Follow up: The Webinar itself is just the start of the journey - send thank-you emails to attendees, share webinar recordings or additional resources, and continue the collaboration by exploring future partnership opportunities.


Successfully driving product sales with SaaS webinars requires laying a solid foundation as laid out here. You can start by conducting deep research to understand your target customers, their business needs, and operating workflows. With the insights gained through this stage, you can move on to the other tasks of creating educational content and promoting the content to fill your sales pipeline.

Most importantly, remember the webinar itself is only the beginning! Don't forget to leverage post-webinar email marketing to re-engage registrants, including those who could not attend, and repurpose your content across your media channels. If you haven't already, maybe now is the time to start your webinar marketing journey with a platform like Cloudpresenter?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get SaaS customers from on-demand webinars?

You can attract SaaS customers from on-demand webinars by promoting them through targeted marketing channels, providing valuable content that addresses customer pain points, and incorporating clear calls-to-action directing viewers to sign up for your product or service.

How can SaaS marketers use webinars to convert leads into paying customers?

Marketers can use webinars to convert leads into paying customers by providing valuable insights, addressing customer pain points, showcasing product benefits, and offering exclusive deals or incentives to encourage purchase decisions.

How do I drive traffic with my SaaS content strategy?

To drive traffic with your SaaS content strategy, focus on creating high-quality, informative content that addresses your target audience's needs and pain points, optimizing it for relevant keywords to improve search engine visibility, and promoting it across various channels, including social media, email newsletters, and industry forums.

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“We’ve been using Cloudpresenter to expertly bring our series of webinars to life, increasing attendance and engagement"

Dr.Satveer Mahil
Kings College Hospital London